Categories: Letters 2023

October 21, 2023

Dear Saints in Santa Fe and other far-off places, Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. My year as Moderator of Presbytery ends this weekend at the presbytery meeting at Ghost Ranch when I give a sermon during worship on Sunday and a new moderator is installed. The outgoing Moderator gives a report to presbytery on the past year, and I share parts of it with you, in light of the wars, conflict, division, and pain in our world. The Beloved Community.  It was never quite announced as presbytery’s official vision this year but in everything we did together, the Beloved Community was there.

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Categories: Letters 2023

October 14, 2023

Dear Saints in Santa Fe and other far-off places, Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, who sought to break the cycles of violence and injustice. These are tough times for growing the Beloved Community. The now week-long war between Hamas and Israel is yet another reminder of humanity’s horrifying inhumanity to each other.  The world is not at a loss for words, everyone seems to have an opinion, but the loudest voices seem bent on exacting more violence where even more people will suffer and be killed. I was in a conversation with a rabbi earlier this week...

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Categories: Archives 2023, Concerts

Mascaro and Ditlow

TGIF, October 23

Veronica Mascaro (flute) and Kristin Ditlow (piano) perform a lively collection of Folk, Country, African American Spiritual, Broadway, Christopher Caliendo, and David Mairs songs. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.

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Categories: Archives 2023

Blessing of the Animals

October 8

VIDEO. During the October 6 Worship Service, a special A special portion of the service was devoted to blessing of the animals. It begins at approximately Minute 16 of the video of the full service with a responsive reading for the call to worship and then proceeds to the blessings themselves.

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