Categories: Adult Enrichment, Archives 2023, Mission & Social Justice, Worship

Learning from Each Other

Sunday morning, October 1, we celebrate Indigenous People with a worship service at 10:00 with Rev. Judy Wellington (above left) delivering the sermon, “Learning from Each Other.” And then we move into Pope Hall to hear Mary Weahkee (above right) talk about utilitarian crafts that she has learned from elders at various pueblos including turkey […]

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Categories: Archives 2023

TGIF, Haewon Yang

Friday, September 8, TGIF features Haewon Yang, who has been recognized for her colorful and sensitive performances. She will be playing music by Florence Price, Arthur Lourie, Claude Debussy, and Harry Bulow. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm, and the concert begins at 5:30pm.

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Categories: Letters 2023

September 1, 2023

Dear Saints in Santa Fe and other far-off places, Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, whose stories reach us through all our senses, even smell. It was the smell of honeysuckle on the hills that drew me back. Three summers of my childhood in the 1960s were spent at San Francisco Theological Seminary (SFTS) in San Anselmo, CA, where my dad was pursuing a Doctorate in Sacred Theology, equivalent to a PhD.  My days were filled with...

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