Categories: Letters 2023

August 11, 2023

Dear Saints in Santa Fe and other far-off places, Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. “It’s not your fault.” It was some twenty years ago, and I had just told my therapist, rather off-handedly, that I had caused my cancer. I had read somewhere (or did I make it up?) that Type A personalities were more apt to have heart attacks and Type Bs, like me, get cancer. The theory is a bit hazy now, but it somehow helped me make some sense of all that was happening to me at the time.

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Categories: Letters 2023

August 4, 2023

Each Friday through August Pastor Harry will be writing on Growing the Beloved Community to stimulate ideas and discussion on how we might live into this vision.

Dear Saints in Santa Fe and other far-off places,

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, who taught us that all life is sacred and spiritual.

Look, hmm, toss.  That became my cadence year after year upon receiving a missive in the mail from the Ignatian Spirituality Institute.  I would look at it, wonder what in the world Ignatian meant, then toss it in recycling.  Look, hmm, toss.

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Categories: Letters 2023

July 27, 2023

Dear Saints in Santa Fe and other far-off places, Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, who opened his arms and welcomed children to come to him. Infants and children and youth.  Oh my, what a Trinity!  Add their parents and we have four gospels teaching us how to love, cherish, listen to, and support young families. So, get your scorecard out (you may need it!) and I will explain the changes happening on the third floor and the reasons for them.  After weeks of discussions with various parties affected by the changes, the following was approved unanimously by the session...

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