TGIF, Mar 21, 2025
Our own Linda Raney invites us to celebrate Bach’s birthday with her at the TGIF concert this Friday evening when she plays Bach selections on the organ. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Prelude and Fugue in a minor, BWV 543
From the Orgelbüchlein
Herr Christ, der ein’ge Gottes Sohn, BWV 601
O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde gross, BWV 622
In dir ist Freude, BWV 615
Sheep May Safely Graze, BWV 208, no. 9 “Birthday Cantata” (1713)
Toccata and Fugue in d minor, BWV 565
Dr. Linda Raney
Indiana University provided Linda an excellent music education, and she holds doctorate, master’s and bachelor’s degrees from that famous institution. Since graduation she has taken advantage of the teaching of many gifted instructors of organ, conducting and voice. In 2010 Linda received a Santa Fe Mayor’s Recognition Award for Excellence in the Arts, an honor that celebrates her commitment to beautiful music. In June 2012 she accepted the Adventurous Programing Award from Chorus America on behalf of the Women’s Ensemble.
She is the director of music/organist at First Presbyterian Church, where she has worked since 1986. Leading an ambitious church music program, she plays the organ and directs an adult choir, various vocal ensembles for adults and children, and manages the TGIF concert series. Offering fine concerts every Friday at 5:30, TGIF is becoming a unique Santa Fe experience. Linda has been the music director and guiding spirit of the Santa Fe Women’s Ensemble since 1988. She also served as choral director of the Santa Fe Symphony and Chorus for almost 20 years.