Categories: Archives 2023, Sunday Messages, Worship

Been to Canaan

July 23 Video

Sunday morning, July 23, Pastor Harry tells how The Wild Goose, a Celtic symbol of God’s Spirit, was alive and well this past week on a farm in North Carolina in his message, “Been to Canaan” (based on Leviticus 25:8-19).

In North Carolina, 1,600 people (many of whom were young!) gathered as the Church, the non-churched, and those who have left it behind.  Pastor Harry will share what he saw and heard and the glimmers of hope that kept showing up.

Our Opera Apprentice Program is underway for the summer and the Apprentice will be singing the Anthem and Offeratory.

July 23, 2023
“Been to Canaan”
Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III
Leviticus 25:8-19