Category: Adult Enrichment
Seeking Vision
Adult Ed, Mar 23, 9:45am
VIDEO. This Sunday we continue our series on The Great Search, the latest book by John Phillip Newell. Pastor Andrew leads the class as we attempt to focus on Seeking Vision and tying together the previous classes. View a video of the class.Read moreSeeking Faith: Edwin Muir
Adult Ed, Mar 16, 9:45am
VIDEO. This Sunday we look at the last chapter in John Philip Newell’s new book, The Great Search. San Williams leads us in a review of the spiritual vision that Newell sets forth. Then we explore the wisdom of the Scottish poet, Edwin Muir, by discussing two of his poems: "One Foot in Eden" and "The Incarnate One."Read moreSeeking Wisdom: Tagore
Adult Ed, Mar 9, 9:45am
VIDEO. Jeannie Bowman continues our series based on John Phillip Newall's book, The Great Search, with a discussion of "Chapter 7: Seeking Wisdom: Rabindranath Tagore.” Tagore believed that it is wisdom that enters the spiritual world and is the realm of truth in which we will find our way back into harmony. Read moreSeeking Awareness: Carl Jung
Adult Ed, Feb 23
VIDEO. David Solem, LCSW and Jungian scholar, continues our series based on John Phillip Newall's book, The Great Search, with a discussion of Chapter 4. Jung said that humanity's "worst sin" is lack of awareness. No matter how painful it is to be fully aware, the journey into wholeness will not happen without it.Read moreSeeking Wellness
Adult Ed, Feb 16, 9:45am
VIDEO. Allen Gulledge continues our series with Chapter 5 of John Phillip Newall's book, The Great Search, "Seeking Wellness: Julian of Norwich." English mystic Julian, who lived in a time of unimaginable suffering in the 1300s, writes "All shall be well...." What did she mean and what do her words promise us today?Read moreSeeking Earth
Adult Ed, Feb 9, 9:45am
Jeannie Bowman continues our series with Chapter 2 of John Phillip Newall's book, The Great Search, "Seeking Earth: Nan Shepard." Scottish writer Nan Shepherd (1893-1931) intuitively saw the interrelatedness of all things and humanity's need to live sustainably with Earth and all life forms. Slides for this presentation are below.Read moreThe Great Search
Adult Ed, Jan 19–Mar 30
VIDEOS. “A new vision of reality is trying to be born,” writes John Phillip Newell in his newest book, The Great Search. In a nine-week adult ed series we will discuss one chapter of this book each week. Join us at 9:45am in the McFarland Chapel or via Zoom as we try to better understand the world swirling around us.Read moreTransformative Desert Encounters
Adult Ed, Jan 26, 9:45am
VIDEO. This Sunday we continue our series on The Great Search with Dr. Tony Arnold speaking to the class on "Transformative Desert Encounters." Tony, a professor at the University of Louisville and a member of our congregation, will tie in The Great Search with Pastor Andrew's previous series “Is Christ Divided?” Read moreThe Great Search Begins!
Adult Ed, Jan 19, 9:45am
VIDEO. This Sunday Pastor Harry introduces our new adult ed series, "The Great Search" by looking at the great searches and transitions in our history and where we find ourselves now, and why. Join us for this nine-part series based on The Great Search by John Phillip Newell. View a video of the first class.Read morePage 1 of 12