Category: Video
Seeking Wellness
Adult Ed, Feb 16, 9:45am
VIDEO. Allen Gulledge continues our series with Chapter 5 of John Phillip Newall's book, The Great Search, "Seeking Wellness: Julian of Norwich." English mystic Julian, who lived in a time of unimaginable suffering in the 1300s, writes "All shall be well...." What did she mean and what do her words promise us today?Read moreThe Great Search
Adult Ed, Jan 19–Mar 30
VIDEOS. “A new vision of reality is trying to be born,” writes John Phillip Newell in his newest book, The Great Search. In a nine-week adult ed series we will discuss one chapter of this book each week. Join us at 9:45am in the McFarland Chapel or via Zoom as we try to better understand the world swirling around us.Read moreAnnual Congregational Meeting
Feb 2, Sanctuary, 11am
The annual meeting occurs directly after the Worship service. We elect Elders and Deacons and also hold a service of Ordination and Installation, Remembrance, and Celebration. Please stay for this important event in the life of the church. For those who cannot attend in person, the livestream of the worship service continues after the service. View the meeting portion below.Read moreTransformative Desert Encounters
Adult Ed, Jan 26, 9:45am
VIDEO. This Sunday we continue our series on The Great Search with Dr. Tony Arnold speaking to the class on "Transformative Desert Encounters." Tony, a professor at the University of Louisville and a member of our congregation, will tie in The Great Search with Pastor Andrew's previous series “Is Christ Divided?” Read morePage 1 of 10