Category: Worship
Ash Wednesday Service
Worship, Feb 14, 5:30pm (Sanctuary)
Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent, acknowledging that we have all fallen short of God’s glory. We will use the Iona Abbey Worship Book for our prayers, sing and listen to beautiful music, partake in communion, and receive the imposition of ashes. Please join us for this quiet service of repentance as we take our first steps toward the cross.Read moreNonviolence Frees a Man
Worship, Jan 28, 8:30 & 11am
VIDEO. Jesus encounters a man with an unclean spirit and proceeds to do a political exorcism, freeing the man and the synagogue from complicity with the imperial occupation and its unjust political order (Mark 1:21-28). How might we use such acts of nonviolence today?Read moreMorningSong Message
Worship, Jan 21
At our MorningSong Worship Service this Sunday, Dan Turk, a missionary co-worker from Madagascar, delivered the message. Then you can hear more about Dan's program at a lunch and presentation in Pope Hall at 12:30 and watch a video of that presentation.Read moreAfter John Was Arrested
Worship, Jan 21, 11am
At our 11am service, we begin to look at the Gospels through the eyes of nonviolence. John the Baptist was a mentor to Jesus and his arrest by the empire was a turning point and a beginning for Jesus. Why is nonviolence so vital to the world and when will we begin to see its power? We look closer at Mark 1:14-20.Read morePage 7 of 13