Categories: Archives 2024, Mission & Social Justice

Chaplain Joe’s Street Outreach

Pop-Up Fundraiser, Feb 4

We welcomed Joe Dudziak, founder of Chaplain Joe’s Street Outreach, who gave our Minute for Mission on Sunday, February 4th. A special collection was taken during the service and a pop-up fundraiser for the general public followed the service on Grant Street in front of the Church’s Main Entrance from 11-1pm. You can see his presentation near the beginning of our video of that service.

As many of you know, “Chaplain Joe” was featured in the recent Santa Fe New Mexican’s “10 Who Made a Difference” edition, alongside First Presbyterian congregation members Bruce Black and Madeleine Wright.

The Mission and Social Justice Committee of First Presbyterian Church of Santa Fe has supported the mission of Chaplain Joe’s Street Outreach to meet the unhoused where they are, with survival supplies, information, and compassion. Temperatures in Santa Fe are predicted to be below freezing for the foreseeable future. Please participate in this effort to alleviate the suffering of the vulnerable members our community experiencing homelessness.

How can you help? If you missed the service and the easy drive-thru pop-up fundraiser, you can contribute by going to Chaplain Joe’s website donation page or drop things off at his mission. No donation is too small; all donations are gratefully accepted. For your information, a $60 contribution pays for a kit which includes: one zero-degree-rated sleeping bag, 2 pairs of winter socks, a knit hat, a pair of gloves, hand warmers, wet wipes, granola bars, bottled water, and two heavy-duty contractor bags. Last year 250 kits were distributed to those in need.

The Rev. Howard Thurman, one of America’s great social justice activists and mystics, wrote:

“When the song of angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flock,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among brothers [and sisters],
To make music in the heart.”

So here at First Presbyterian Church of Santa Fe, let’s begin the work of Christmas when we welcome Chaplain Joe and support his important mission.

For more information, please contact Janice Mayer via e-mail at