Categories: Archives 2025, Youth & Children

Children Are Central!

Children’s Program, Jan 12, 8:30 & 11am

This Sunday the children hear the story in Mark 10: 13-16 when Jesus scolded his disciples for trying to prevent children from coming to him. Jesus embraced the children and blessed them, encompassing them in his grace. The children’s program begins in our worship service(s). After receiving a blessing, the children leave for their activities.

Jesus saw the children as an important part of his ministry. “‘Don’t forbid them,’” said Jesus, ‘because God’s kingdom belongs to people like these children. I assure you that whoever doesn’t welcome God’s kingdom like a child will never enter it.’ Then he hugged the children and blessed them.” Children are model citizens in God’s kingdom, since the reign of God “belongs to people like these children.” Children are central!

Jesus embracing the children and blessing them is the most vivid expression of receiving the grace of Christ and being assured of his love and care. If Jesus regarded children in this special way, the church and all followers of Jesus ought to have a special concern for children also. All are to enter the kingdom “like a child.” We receive the embrace of the blessing of Christ as Jesus’ gracious love reaches out to us, drawing us into the family of God. We receive Christ’s grace with the gratitude and excitement of a child!

If you have any questions about our children’s program, contact our Family Ministry Director Jen Black.


(Published in 2025)