Categories: Archives 2025, Mission & Social Justice, Youth & Children

Dignity Mission Border Presentation

All Saints Lutheran Church, Jan 11, 1pm

Dignity Mission from Las Placitas Presbyterian Church is cosponsoring a presentation at 1:00 PM on January 11, 2025, at All Saints Lutheran Church in Albuquerque. It features speakers from El Paso who are intimately familiar with the current situation involving migrants and asylum seekers at our southern border.

Pastor Andrew, our family ministry team, our children and youth, and all of our church have been involved in supporting the Dignity Project at Las Placitas Presbyterian Church. We would urge you once again to attend in person and meet those who are most familiar with what’s happening on the ground in El Paso/Ciudad Juárez.

Dignity Mission Border Presentation
All Saints Lutheran Church, 4800 All Saints Road, Albuquerque
RSVP at 505-898-3932.

The Key Note Speakers include:

  • Dr. Eva Moya, Professor of Social Work at University of Texas/El Paso at the Border Biomedical Research Center.
  • Dr. Georgina Sanchez-Garcia, Professor at UTEP, Research Assistant at the University of Texas/El Paso.
  • Fr. Peter Precourt, AA, DMin, Pastor of St. Francis Xavier Parish, in El Paso, Texas.

A free will offering will be taken to support the Dignity Mission. Checks should be payable to “All Saints Lutheran Church” with the memo line saying “Dignity Mission.”


(Publshed in 2025)