Categories: Archives 2024, Mens Breakfast, Video

Dignity Not Detention

PBM Breakfast, Feb 10

VIDEO. The guest speaker at our Prepared By Men’s Breakfast was Ruby Bixby, up and coming member of the Dreamer’s Project. She spoke passionately on the topic “Dignity Not Detention.” And we enjoyed a warm breakfast and a lively discussion.

Ruby Bixby—Public Ally

After completing one year of college in Richmond, Virginia, Ruby returned to her hometown, Santa Fe, and started volunteering with Santa Fe Dreamers Project in the summer of 2023. Shortly after, she became a legal assistant through Public Allies, an AmeriCorp service-based leadership development program. Ruby became interested in studying immigration law after volunteering at Gerard’s House in 2018 as a childcare provider for the Mamas Compartiendo y Sanando[sic] (Moms Sharing and Healing) program, which provides grief support and resources for Latinx families who have suffered a range of immigration-related losses such as death, incarceration, deportation, and separation by borders. As she witnessed the emotional and personal side of migration, she became passionate about learning more about the ever-changing and unjust legal side to our country’s immigration policies. Eventually, Ruby would like to return to college to double major in Public Policy and Spanish on the pre-law track, aspiring to become an immigration lawyer. In her free time, Ruby enjoys listening to music, traveling, and crafting (mostly crocheting and sewing).

Breakfast Details

For this breakfast we honored Groundhog’s Day with an especialidad de la casa called galletas y salsa de salchicha and a gluten-free option planned by John Whitcomb, chief cook emeritus and quartermaster. John has been an integral part of Men’s Breakfast for over 40 years.

Text Jim at 505-557-8110 or email to be put on the monthly Evite reminders to which you can also RSVP in February. Also text Jim if you might want to participate as back-up/assistant chef, bottle washer, or buss-boy for Prepared by Men’s Breakfast, or if you have a program suggestion. Alternately Wally Bettes at or 214-893-7211.

View the full presentation below: