Give Online

Online Donations

Giving financially to First Presbyterian Church enables the church to support programs that respond to the needs of the congregation and the community. Whether it’s a pledge payment, a gift offering, or a donation to a specific cause or mission, First Presbyterian relies on your generosity to remain a conduit of God’s grace. (First Presbyterian is a congregation of PC(USA) and a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.)

For one-time donations to a specific cause or mission (such as Afghan Resettlement or Ukrainian Relief), put your donation amount in the box for One-Time Donation / Other Special, and then indicate the mission recipient in the box with the red asterisk. Your contribution to these missions is greatly appreciated.


Please enclose a check payable to First Presbyterian Church. If your check is for your pledge, please put that in the memo line. Likewise, if you check is for a special purpose, put that in the memo line. Checks should be mailed to:

First Presbyterian Church
208 Grant Avenue
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501

Pledge Online

Your 2025 Pledge

How Many of You Have Ever Made a Rainbow?

That’s usually God’s job, but now you can! It’s time to raise funds to help our church grow and help others. There’s always a rainbow outside above us, now let’s create one inside our church! Your generous gifts will help us reach new heights of worship, outreach, healing, and helping others. It’s our turn now. Together, we can reach new heights and build a beautiful rainbow! God bless all of our future rainbow makers.

Please prayerfully consider your 2025 stewardship pledge. Your donation will help make the rainbow. For a pledge packet, contact our Church Office. Also you can download Stewardship 2025 packet.

Heritage Circle Planned Giving

A legacy gift honors the act of giving to God. First Presbyterian Church appreciates your consideration of making a commitment in your estate plan to provide enduring support for our Church and its service to future generations.

To see the steps involved in making a legacy gift, download the brochure: Steps to a Planned Gift.

And when you are ready to make your gift, download and complete the Letter of Intent.