Categories: Archives 2023, Sunday Messages, Worship

Dr. Barbee Delivers Message on May 7

Rev. Dr. Amantha Barbee delivered the Sunday message on May 7 at our 10 am service. Focusing on Mark 7:24-30 (the story about the Syrophoenician Woman), her sermon is entitled “Call Your Dog.” She enjoins, “We all have something we can learn…

Is it unreasonable to think that we can truly be used by God our Creator in meaningful and life-giving ways? I believe we can be. God has called us to be in community. God has called us to embrace the wholeness of everyone God created. How blessed we are to have this fabulous opportunity. It is exciting to know that no matter what or who we are, God can use us in our humanity, flawed but made free by our beautiful Savior, Jesus!”

Further, Dr. Barbee is an accomplished singer, and graced us with a quite moving rendition of “He Touched Me.”

Following the service, we had a meal together and time to talk more to Dr. Barbee and each other.

View the message and offeratory song below:

Dr. Barbee is the senior pastor at Quail Hollow Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. She was the recipient of the E.T. George Award for Excellence in Homiletics, Worship, and Public Speaking from Union Presbyterian Seminary –Richmond VA, where she earned her Master of Divinity degree. She earned her Doctor of Ministry degree from Columbia Theological Seminary. She is the Chairperson of the General Assembly Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations. She is on the Executive Board of Trustees for Montreat Conference Center and a Strategy Team Member for NEXT Church. Rev. Barbee is the past chairperson for the Charlotte Clergy Coalition for Justice. Barbee has extensive training in Anti-racism and anti-bias models for people of faith. She has led protests, both peaceful and challenging, and her work has been recognized nationally.