Categories: Archives 2025, Youth & Children

Embracing Love

Children & Youth, Feb 16

This Sunday, both our children and youth will take a look at God’s greatest commandment (Matthew 22:34-40) and how it challenges us to embrace and show love. Jesus proclaimed that the most important thing you can do is to love. Love God, love yourself and all the people around you.

Children and youth programs begin in the worship services (8:30 in Pope Hall and 11:00 in the sanctuary). After receiving a blessing, the children and youth leave for their programs. If you have questions, contact our Family Ministry Director Jen Black.

Children’s Sunday School

We will learn about the Golden Rule and discuss who and what we love and why. We will create a personal challenge to show acts of kindness and love to others.

Youth Bible Study

Rendon Room

Youth, don’t forget to bring your bible as we will dig deep into the passage and have a discussion on how to embrace love. Some questions to think about: How do you personally understand the concept of loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind? In what ways can we love our neighbors as ourselves in our daily lives?