TGIF, Mar 14, 5:30pm
We welcome the eternal Summer Symphony Orchestra this Friday as they help us ease into our weekend with music by Finzi, Mozart, and Purcell. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Finzi: Eclogue, David Ponder, pianist
Mozart: String Quartet no. 157
Henry Purcell: Chacony
eternal Summer Symphony Orchestra
In the summer of 2008 the orchestra was conceived as a way for friends to get together and read music in a casual, relaxed setting during the summer months when other regional amateur orchestras were taking their summer break. As time went by, the group has become more focused on refined performances, and in October 2012 the orchestra began to rehearse and perform year-round.
eSSO Santa Fe is conducted by rotating regional professional musicians and graduate conducting students from the University of New Mexico, School of Fine Arts, in Albuquerque.
eSSO Santa Fe plays four orchestral concerts each year, typically June, October, December, and March as part of our TGIF concert series. Additionally, the group often schedules a late summer chamber performance which allows groups within the orchestra to form and work-up individual chamber works.
eSSO Santa Fe’s past and upcoming repertoire include Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos, Mendelssohn String Symphonies, Mozart Symphonies, Divertimenti and Concertos, Haydn Symphonies, Telemann Overtures, Stamitz Mannheim Symphonies and various concertos featuring members of the orchestra and guest performers.