Categories: Archives 2022, Mission & Social Justice, Worship

Indigenous People’s Day

It’s about time, especially here in New Mexico, where it is an official holiday instead of Columbus Day. We acknowledge. We celebrate. Join our special worship services October 9.

Indigenous People’s Day is a time to celebrate the rich heritage of a noble people as well as acknowledge the atrocities forced upon them by the dominant white culture through the centuries.  We do so with the hope of reconciliation after a long history of violence and oppression.  We do so to reclaim the truth of the Gospel: that Christ did not come to conquer and enslave, but to free all people so they might live as God’s children, with respect and dignity and joy.  We do so this year in worship, with singing and praying and thanksgiving.

Attend in person at 9:30 or 11:00 am or watch our 11:00 livestream. A video of the full livestream is available through Saturday, October 15. After that time, watch the sermon portion on our Sunday Sermons page.