Adult Ed, Jan 12, 9:45am
VIDEO. This Sunday, Pastor Andrew concludes a three part course, “Is Christ Divided?” Through the Lens of Archbishops Oscar Romero and Desmond Tutu, we look at how the church of liberation challenges political and religious powers of oppression. This builds off our examinations of earlier times in prior classes. Join us in McFarland Chapel or via Zoom.
In this series, we look at what is the role of a modern prophet and is the true church called by Christ to be a prophetic voice, presence, and witness in America today? In Part 3, “The Theology of Liberation,” we through the lens of Archbishops Oscar Romero and Desmond Tutu at how the church of liberation challenges political and religious powers of oppression. This class of our series builds off our examination of the early church, the confessions of the reformation, and the works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Luther King, Jr.
Pastor Andrew notes that recently when he was walking through the mall, he saw a T-shirt that said “I am a love your neighbor kind of Christian, not a storm your capitol kind.” In a nation with such stark and divergent views on how to live the faith, how do we know the truth and stay faithful? How can we stand for what we believe as opposed to just oposing others? How have others in our faith tradition responded to a Christianity that has been hijacked by powers and principalities? In this two part course, we will look at a wide variety of works from Scripture, John Calvin, our Presbyterian confessions to Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Rise of Nazi Germany.
View videos of these classes: