Categories: Tuesday

Isaiah 43:16-21

Praise God

I never quite saw the memo that told us what praising God really means. All I can figure is joy has something to do with it and there is singing somewhere in the definition.

I got the memo last Sunday. It’s from Isaiah. Took till chapter 43 but there it was. The first part startled me, still does. Praising God is not about remembering the past, all those great things we have experienced, like escaping through a Red Sea to freedom. Don’t remember that, God says, or all the other things. What? Why not? Because God is doing something new, something God has never done before, right now, and we are part of it.

Isaiah continues:  Praising God is about thanks and honor. As an example, think of an important person in your life and write down the reasons why. Then let that person know what you wrote. Studies show it will dramatically increase your sense of joy, probably theirs as well. Then honor your special person by living in ways that would make God beam, or sing a snappy tune. Somewhere in the midst of this God is praised.

Praise God.