Plague, war, church executions—through it all St. Julian saw and radiated God’s motherly love. Plan to attend “Julian” played by Linda Loving with music by the Santa Fe Women’s Ensemble, Nov 6 at 3pm.

We’ve waited for more than two years for Linda to perform this one-act play and for the musical presentation Illuminations of Julian of Norwich by the Santa Fe Women’s Ensemble after we had to cancel it in March 2020.
Medieval Wisdom for Our Modern Times on Sunday, November 6, will be held in our sanctuary. You will be inspired by the play and music and have an opportunity to greet Linda and the SFWE singers during a reception that will follow in the church lobby. A free will offering will be accepted at the door.
We look forward to seeing you and sharing this remarkable experience together. Contact the First Presbyterian church office or for more information.
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