Categories: Adult Enrichment, Archives 2022

Julian’s Wisdom Today

Fireside Chats with the Mystics have begun discussing Julian of Norwich: Wisdom in a Time of Pandemic—and Beyond. Join in when you can and prepare for the Julian of Norwich play featuring Linda Loving, November 6, 3:00 pm.

The Mystics are discussing portions of Matthew Fox’s book (purchase is not necessary) in preparation for the Julian of Norwich event coming up on Sunday, November 6, 3:00 pm. Linda C. Loving will present a one-woman play written by J. Vanda, along with a musical presentation by the Santa Fe Women’s Ensemble using the words of Dame Julian.  The Mystics class will be hosting the reception for that event.

If you have always been a part of the group, a sometimes-attender, or never attended before, please join us for an inspiring time to consider how we can move beyond the pandemic through the words of a mystic who lived through it all.

Fireside Chat with the Mystics meets via Zoom from 5:00 til 6:30 pm on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Jeannie Bowman and Jan Charter are the facilitators.  Contact Jeannie for details, or simply join us on Zoom.