Categories: Tuesday

Mark 14:3-9

Close to the end of Jesus’ life and ministry, an unnamed woman entered the house of Simon the Leper and poured costly nard over the head of Jesus from an alabaster jar.  As far as I can find, this is the only time in the gospels when someone intentionally does something for Jesus.  When did you last do something for Jesus?

The woman was criticized by all who witnessed it, but Jesus praised her for her action.  When have you been criticized for doing something for Jesus?  What about our congregation?  In shaking hands after the service many of you told me of times when our church was roundly criticized for standing up for people when no one else would.  When you do, this story reminds us, remember that Jesus will back you up.

The Christian faith can be at its best when we embody an unnamed woman who had a rebellious streak to do something bold and outrageous and faithful.  Sometimes it can come in the form of an alabaster jar.