Categories: Archives 2024, Youth & Children

Mothers in the Bible

Children’s Program, May 12, 8:30pm

This Sunday we will celebrate Mother’s day by learning about the mothers portrayed in the bible. Our children make a flip book highlighting the various mothers and the amazing qualities they posed and the lessons they taught us. After receiving a blessing int he 8:30 service, the children leave to do their activities.

If you have any questions, contact our Family Ministry Director Jen Black.

From our Family Ministry:

Wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day

Heavenly Creator, we thank You for the gift of motherhood. Today, we celebrate the loving sacrifice of mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and all motherly figures both biological and spiritual, who nurture and guide us in Your ways. Bless them with joy, strength, and love to continue their selfless devotion.
