Adult Ed, Mar 16, 9:45am
VIDEO. This Sunday we look at the last chapter in John Philip Newell’s new book, The Great Search. San Williams leads us in a review of the spiritual vision that Newell sets forth. Then we explore the wisdom of the Scottish poet, Edwin Muir, by discussing two of his poems: “One Foot in Eden” and “The Incarnate One.”
See the full schedule of classes on our website post The Great Search.
In line with the Great Schism in the 11th century, the Reformation in the 16th, the Great Awakening of the 18th, today we too find ourselves in the Great Search. As each class in this series focuses on one chapter, it explores the insights of prophets, poets, and visionaries, from the likes of Julian of Norwich, Carl Jung, and Thomas Berry, as we navigate this time of great challenge and opportunity in the Church and society and in our quest for healing and home.
To learn more about this series and to see past classes, go to our website post The Great Search.
Read more about our Adult Education program.
View a video of the class: