Categories: Adult Enrichment, Archives 2025, Video

The Great Search

Adult Ed, Jan 19–Mar 30

VIDEOS. “A new vision of reality is trying to be born,” writes John Phillip Newell in his newest book, The Great Search. In a nine-week adult ed series we discuss one chapter of this book each week. Join us at 9:45am in the McFarland Chapel or via Zoom  as we try to better understand the world swirling around us.

In line with the Great Schism in the 11th century, the Reformation in the 16th, the Great Awakening of the 18th, today we too find ourselves in the Great Search. As each class focuses on one chapter, it explores the insights of prophets, poets, and visionaries, from the likes of Julian of Norwich, Carl Jung, and Thomas Berry, as we navigate this time of great challenge and opportunity in the Church and society and in our quest for healing and home.

Various members of our church community will be leading each session, and it is recommended, but not required, that participants acquire Newell’s book, the GreatSearch.

Class Schedule

  • January 19. “The Great Search Begins!” Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts, III
  • January 26. “Transformative Desert Encounters.” Dr. Tony Arnold
  • February 9. “Chapter 2. Seeking Earth: Nan Shepard.” Jeannie Bowman
  • February 16. “Chapter 5. Seeking Wellness: Julian of Norwich.” Allen Gulledge
  • February 23. “Chapter 4. Seeking Awareness: Carl Jung.” David Solem
  • March 9. “Chapter 7. Seeking Wisdom: Rabindranath Tagore” Jeannie Bowman
  • March 16. “Chapter 9 Seeking Faith: Edwin Muir.” San Williams
  • March 23. “Chapter 1. Seeking Vision: Thomas Berry.” Rev. Andrew Black
  • March 30. “What are we seeking?” Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III

Videos of Past Classes

January 19, 2025. “The Great Search Begins!” Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts, III
Pastor Harry introduces our new adult ed series, “The Great Search” by looking at the great searches and transitions in our history and where we find ourselves now, and why.

January 26, 2025. “Transformative Desert Encounters,” Dr. Tony Arnold
In this second class in our series, Dr. Tony Arnold briefly discusses four major changes in the world that are forcing the Church to change or at least wrestle with change (perhaps at times foolishly resisting change): (1) globalization; (2) technology; (3) social conflict; and (4) postmodernism.  These big forces (with their multi-dimensionality and many effects) undermine society’s acceptance of the Church as a source of truth, meaning, and human connection.

February 9, 2025. “Seeking Earth: Nan Shepherd,” Jeannie Bowman
Jeannie Bowman continues our series with Chapter 2 of John Phillip Newall’s book, The Great Search, “Seeking Earth: Nan Shepard.” Scottish writer Nan Shepherd (1893-1931) intuitively saw the interrelatedness of all things and humanity’s need to live sustainably with Earth and all life forms. We were unable to show the slides for this morning’s presentation, so we have attached them here: Slides for “Seeking Earth” class.

February 16. “Chapter 5. Seeking Wellness: Julian of Norwich.” Allen Gulledge
Allen Gulledge continues our series with Chapter 5 of John Phillip Newall’s book, The Great Search, “Seeking Wellness: Julian of Norwich.” English mystic Julian, who lived in a time of unimaginable suffering in the 1300s, writes “All shall be well….” What did she mean and what do her words promise us today?

(Published in 2025)