Categories: Archives 2024, Mission & Social Justice

“To Our Wonderful Friends…”

Youth Shelter Thank You

We just received this lovely note from the Youth Shelter and Family Services: “To Our Wonderful Friends at First Presbyterian Church,

We were in complete awe when our team went by your congregation and witnessed all of the extraordinary presents for our clients under the Christmas tree! Their young spirits were filled with utter joy as they opened gifts and felt tremendous support from you all. These moments are sacred, and we cannot thank you enough for your willingness to go above and beyond for our youth! Your impact is deep and we truly appreciate your time, effort, and thoughtfulness when considering Youth Shelter and Family Services this holiday season!

With tons of smiles and warm thoughts, we wish you a lovely year!   —Johnathon and The YSFS Team”

“What would we do without you all?! You make our holidays so much fun—for both clients and staff! Your ongoing support and kindness means the world to us!!  —Heather”