Categories: Archives 2024, Youth & Children

Who Is the Greatest?

Children’s Program, 10am, Sanctuary

When the disciples debated on who is the greatest (Mark 9:33–37), Jesus instructed them that greatness is defined by service, not glory. On this Service Sunday we will be making sandwiches and assembling sack lunches for the homeless. If you have any questions, contact Jen Black, our Family Ministry Director.

The Story

Though they were followers of Jesus, his disciples got into a discussion about a basic human desire—to be great.

They argued about it one day until Jesus asked them what they were saying. They were silent, and afraid or ashamed to respond. Then Jesus put it to them: “Whoever wants to be first must be least of all and the servant of all.” To illustrate, Jesus placed a child in their midst and said, “Whoever welcomes one of these children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me isn’t actually welcoming me but rather the one who sent me.”

In contrast to the disciples, who sought to be “great,” Jesus said true greatness means being “least of all and the servant of all.” Greatness is defined by service, not glory. The one who serves becomes vulnerable. A child is vulnerable among adults. When we welcome children, we are welcoming God in our midst. We are welcoming the vulnerable ones, the ones who remind us of those who are truly great—the servants of God.

The Activity

On this Service Sunday will be making sandwiches and assembling sack lunches for the homeless. There is one worship service at 10:00am and the children hear a lesson in the service, receive a blessing and then leave for their activities. Also, note that we have a special guest this Sunday, Shizuko Kobayashi, who will deliver the Sunday message and also the children’s message, since May 5th is Children’s Day in Japan. Read more about our Sunday speaker at: Living in Santa Fe as a Japanese Woman.