Categories: Archives 2025, Mens Breakfast

Wild Fire Risk and Mitigation

PBM Breakfast, Jan 11, 9am

At our Saturday Prepared by Men Breakfast, we welcome Porfirio Chavarria, the Wildland Urban Interface Specialist with the Santa Fe Fire Dept. He has extensive experience in wildland firefighting, forestry techniques, and erosion mitigation. He will present his recently developed program of wildfire risk assessment and mitigation, both rural and urban.

Join us at 9am on Saturday, January 11, at 9am in Pope Hall to hear Porfinirio’s important insights into these issues.

Porfirio serves the City of Santa Fe Fire Department in Santa Fe, New Mexico as the Wildland Urban Interface Specialist.  He began his career in wildland firefighting in 1998 on a Bureau of Indian Affairs handcrew.  In 2001, Porfirio transitioned to Santa Clara Pueblo Forestry Department. The tribe was recovering from the devastating Cerro Grande fire which burned over 200 homes in Los Alamos and 8,000 acres on tribal land.  He learned forestry techniques; taking forest inventory, Brown’s transects and built erosion mitigation structures such as one-rock dams and contour felling.   In 2005, Porfirio joined the Santa Fe Fire Department and began implementing fuels reduction projects, wildfire hazard assessments, and in 2010 hired a ten-person fire/fuels crew.  Porfirio is currently working to create fire adapted communities in Santa Fe through networking and building personal relationships.

Prepared by Men Breakfast is held the second Sunday of each month (except for a summer hiatus). If you would like to be put on the monthlyEvite reminders or if you have suggestions for programs, contact Jim Elliott (505-557-8110 or or Wally Bettes (214-893-7211 or


(Published in 2025)