Categories: Tuesday

Mark 14:3-9

Close to the end of Jesus’ life and ministry, an unnamed woman entered the house of Simon the Leper and poured costly nard over the head of Jesus from an alabaster jar.  As far as I can find, this is the only time in the gospels when someone intentionally does something for Jesus.  When did […]

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Categories: Tuesday

Robin Meyers

Robin Meyers and his wife Shawn spent the weekend with us. Robin led a Saturday morning workshop, preached Sunday morning, and led an informal discussion with folks in between services. They both were a delight and I found his ideas fascinating and provocative. That is why I was a bit taken aback, and saddened, when […]

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Categories: Tuesday

My Mom

My Mom passed away Tuesday morning, just two months shy of her 90th birthday and after too many years of dealing with Parkinson’s. I said goodbye to her last Friday, as I had done several times before when I left after a visit, but I knew this time would be my last, hoping upon hope […]

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Categories: Tuesday

Luke 4:14-21

I ended my sermon with Jesus going away to a lonely place. The Gospels cite several instances where Jesus simply left whatever situation he was in. He didn’t wait for something to finish. He didn’t work until midnight and watch the last newly-sighted blind person walk carefully and joyfully into the darkness, then take his […]

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Categories: Tuesday

Isaiah 62:1-5

The applause still rings in my ears. It was the applause and the standing ovation during the State of the Union address when President Obama proclaimed that we were the most powerful nation in the world, spending more on our military than the next five (or was it more?) countries combined. What would Isaiah say […]

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Categories: Tuesday

Trauma and Hope

Life gets in the way. So do holidays and deadlines not honored. So I come once again to a few thoughts on sermons delivered and not delivered since Christmas Eve. The Christmas story is not all joy and singing and gifts. To me this year it was about dealing with trauma. The story itself exudes […]

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Categories: Tuesday

Gun Violence

Linda Loving preached on Sunday, and wonderful preaching it was indeed. Since sermons come week after week and one after the other, this little time off gave me a chance to find my breath. Free of another sermon deadline my mind went where my free time has gone, with New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence. […]

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Categories: Tuesday

Jeremiah 33:14-16

God speaks through Jeremiah to a devastated and disheartened Israel. Jerusalem is under siege, terror reigns, thousands have died, hope is gone. “Surely the days are coming . . . when I will execute justice and righteousness in the land.” God, are you really sure? I daresay the world has not seen much justice and […]

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Categories: Tuesday

John 18:33-37

As I prepare for a sermon each week ideas bubble up at odd times and in strange places. Seldom do they arrive neatly at my office desk. Sometimes they are even a few days late. Thus I begin a weekly blog called Tuesday Sermons, a collection of thoughts that were slow in coming or said […]

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