Categories: Archives 2024, Youth & Children

Mothers in the Bible

Children's Program, May 12, 8:30pm

This Sunday we will celebrate Mother’s day by learning about the mothers portrayed in the bible. Our children make a flip book highlighting the various mothers and the amazing qualities they posed and the lessons they taught us. After receiving a blessing int he 8:30 service, the children leave to do their activities.

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Categories: Archives 2024, Congregational Life

Morning Song on the Rooftop

Rooftop Garden, 8:30, May 26

We resume our 8:30am Morning Song worship service on our rooftop garden this Sunday May 26th at 8:30am. We tried to do this earlier but the weather just would not cooperate. Come to the service and enjoy the trees and sky and birds singing as we worship together in this special space. The Morning Song service will remain on the rooftop through the summer months.

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Categories: Archives 2024, Mens Breakfast

Supporting Vulnerable Children

PBM Breakfast, May 11, 9am

This month's Prepared by Men's Breakfast presents: "CASA: Supporting the Most Vulnerable Children & Families in Northern NM" by Grace Korthuis, Executive Director, and Staff. CASA rehabilitates and supports youth who have been abused. They have a number of programs and services as well as volunteer opportunities.

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Categories: Archives 2024, Sunday Messages, Video, Worship

Living in Santa Fe as a Japanese Woman

Worship, May 5, 10am

VIDEO. This May as we celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander cultures, we warmly welcome Shizuko Kobayashi to our worship service to deliver the Sunday message, and she will deliver the children's message as well since May 5th is Children's Day in Japan. Shizuko shares her experiences and her work to link Santa Fe and Japan in slides during her message. The scripture for the day is Psalm 98.

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Categories: Archives 2024

The Art of Kintsugi

Liturgical Arts, May 5th

As we celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander cultures, Liturgical Arts honors the culture of our speaker, Shizuko Kobayashi. They have created banner overlays reflecting Kintsugi, the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold. And they beautifully tie in the day’s scripture and liturgical color as well.

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Categories: Archives 2024, Congregational Life

First Sunday Luncheon

May 5, 11:30am, Pope Hall

For our May 5th First Sunday luncheon, our Fun, Food, & Fellowship group will be serving an Asian American menu—Broccoli/Beef, Asian Chicken Salad, Urimaki sushi (California rolls), and Hoison buns. Please bring your favorite Asian American dish or a dessert to share. Egg Rolls anyone?  Dumplings? Hope to see you there!

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Categories: Archives 2024, Concerts

Santa Fe Octet

TGIF, May 3, 5:30pm

This Friday, the Santa Fe Octet performs music by Schubert. The Octet includes Ari Le, Violin; Flaviano Prosperini, Violin; Nathan Gibson, Viola; Nelson Denman, Cello; Jim Martinez, Bass; Daniel Schwab, Clarinet; John Hargreaves, Horn; and Debra Poulin, Basson. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.

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