Categories: Archives 2024, Concerts

Scott and Johanna

TGIF, Jan 12, 5:30pm

Scott and Johanna Hongell-Darsee, a duo that has performed all over the US and Europe, mesmerize us with Medieval and Traditional Folk Ballads at our Friday TGIF concert. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm, and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.

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Categories: Archives 2024, Congregational Life

Grief Nest

Grief Groups, Tuesdays, Thursdays, 6:15pm

In January, grief groups continue to be offered to hold sacred space with compassion and empathy for those who are grieving. The Tuesday group is online. The Thursday group meets in the Rendon Room every other Thursday, starting January 4th. You must register as space is limited. Groups are lead by Joy Dyanne Stearns, Somatic Grief Specialist.

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