Categories: Archives 2025, Worship

Celtic EvenSong Service

Worship, Wednesdays, 5:30pm

Pastor Harry invites you to join our Celtic Evensong Service in person in the sanctuary or on Zoom. We hold our Celtic service each Wednesday, and week before last opened it up for Zoom attendance to enable those who cannot attend in person to join us. To participate via Zoom, consider buying the Iona Abbey worship and music books.

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Categories: Archives 2025, Youth & Children

Seven Days of Creation

Children's Program, Jan 19, 8:30 & 11am

This Sunday we begin our journey through the bible with a lesson from Genesis 1:1-2:3. We introduce our children to how God magnificently created the wonderful world in which we live. The children’s program begins in our worship service(s). After receiving a blessing, the children leave for their activities. If you have any questions, contact Jen Black.

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