Categories: Tuesday

Do Not Fear

Luke 12:32-40

We have a lot to say about fear these days.  It slides into many a conversation, shouts at us in headlines, does its best to keep us perpetually anxious, and wakes us up in the middle of the night.  One can find a preacher of fear on every corner and we dutifully listen.

Jesus has something to say about fear:  Don’t.  He keeps saying it so much that we can’t ignore it, but we probably do.  How can we not be fearful?  Begin by digging into the stories where Jesus tells us not to fear.  What is going on?  Why does he say it?  Remember what he tells us about God.  Recall some of the promises made.  Envision the Reign of God.  Add all this up and fear doesn’t have a chance.

And, if that fails, pray.  Not sure what prayer is?  Sunday’s liturgist Charlie Spring introduced our opening prayer with words from Rabbi Abraham Heschel and I close on this note:

Prayer is not a stratagem for occasional use – a refuge to resort to now and then.

It is rather like an established resonance for our innermost selves.

All things have a home.

The bird has a nest.

The fox has a den.

The bee has a hive.

A soul without prayer is a soul without a home.

For the human soul, home is wherever prayer is.