Categories: Tuesday


Luke 12:13-21

We are learning that power and military might and money can’t seem to fix the deep problems facing our world.  We certainly know that division and name-calling and violence just make matters worse.  So what do we do?  I suggest we go to the deep wells of wisdom found in scripture.  There isn’t a situation it hasn’t seen and, what’s more, we get front row seats to see what God has to say.

In last Sunday’s story Jesus is confronted by someone in the crowd who is miffed at the inheritance laws of the day and wants Jesus to mediate and arbitrate the situation.  Instead Jesus tells a story.  It’s of a rich man who is so entangled in his wealth he can’t distinguish between his money and his soul.  He talks to himself because there is no one else around.  He wants to build bigger barns due to his surplus wealth, and because he can.  He is blind to the world around him and no longer recognizes his very soul.

This is the real tragedy not only for him but for all who don’t attend to the deep matters of life and meaning.  It’s a matter of the soul.  It’s on every page of scripture.  It’s a deep yearning.  It’s a sigh that we too often ignore.  It’s what the church should attend to first.  Then we might have the tools and the words and the wisdom to address (dare I say fix?) the deep problems facing our world.