Categories: Archives 2024, Congregational Life, Youth & Children

Spirituality of Hiking Series

New Series Beginning

Do you find yourself drained by endless routine tasks? Are you looking for a way to unwind? Or maybe you’re just looking for a moment of peace, a quiet place where you can reconnect with yourself. Join us for a hike! Let us know your availability as we plan our schedule.

During our hikes, we will practice walking meditation, which is a technique that incorporates the concept of mindfulness—or being in the present moment. We will focus on clearing our mind, paying attention to our breath, and learn to become more in-tune with our body as we hike. We will feed our soul’s need to connect with something larger than itself by sensing the majesty and wonder of nature.

If you are interested, please let Jen Black know what day(s) or time(s) work best for you. 

Wednesday at noon? Saturday mornings?

We will post a hiking schedule in March.