Categories: Archives 2025, Congregational Life

Women’s Quiet Day

Holy Faith Episcopal, Feb 8

The Church of the Holy Faith invites all women in the community to join in the 2025 Women’s Quiet Day for a day of pre-Lenten reflection, study, and silence. This year the Quiet Day leader is Deborah Smith Douglas. Join women from our church in this truly special day. Register before January 31st. If you have questions about our church’s attendance, contact Jenny Harland.

This Quiet Day will explore the riches of scripture, theology, art, poetry, and history around and behind the foundational “gifts and creatures” of the Sacraments: water and light, salt and oil, bread and wine. All these elements are simultaneously deeply mysterious, beautiful, powerful—and common to daily life all over the world since ancient times. They are both fascinating in themselves (the chemistry and physics are astounding), and essential to our sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, and the Anointing of the Sick. May this Quiet Day also open “the eyes of our hearts” to see what George Herbert called “heav’n in ordinarie,” God’s grace abounding everywhere, even in the humbles of things.

The day will include a continental breakfast and light lunch. The Quiet Day is Holy Faith’s gift to the women of our community. To register call the parish office at 505-982-4447 or email Donna at before January 31st.

To read more about this day, download Holy Faith’s 2025 Women’s Quiet Day flyer.