Author: Gale Wright
November 25, 2023
Dear Saints in Santa Fe, and other far-off places, Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, whose life expressed a deeper joy. It was in a Florida outfield some 20 years ago. My Ohio church gave me a gift for my ten-year anniversary with them as pastor. One early suggestion was a week on a silent retreat in a monastery somewhere, but wiser ideas prevailed, and they surprised me with a week at Fantasy Camp with the Cleveland Indians.
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Soup Supper, Dec 13, 6:00pm
Karla Koll, a Presbyterian co-mission worker in Costa Rica, will be sharing stories about her work at the Latin American Biblical University, an ecumenical university located in San Jose. Come join us at 6:00 December 13th for a light soup supper to learn more about her work.Read moreWorking for Peace and Justice
Children's Program, Nov 26, 8:30am
This Sunday, we read the story where Micah proclaims a promise for God’s universal peace grounded in God’s teachings and justice. We study the image of swords beaten into plows, and we create a mural depicting our church welcoming people from all around the world into one loving family of God.Read moreBe an Angel
Turn in Gifts Soon
Have you chosen an angel with the gift choice of a child or family? Please turn your gifts in by December 15th if at all possible (and no later than December 18th). If you have not chosen an angel and are interested in doing so, you can check the Angel Tree in the church lobby.
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TGIF, Nov 24, 5:30pm
Our talented David Solem will play three sonatas by Felix Mendelssohn at our Friday concert. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.Read moreNovember 18, 2023
Dear Saints in Santa Fe, and other far-off places, Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, who saw, listened, and asked questions. Where is God? Whether one believes in God or simply lives in these tumultuous times, the question bubbles up from the soul. Where is God? Where is compassion? Where is hope? The Israeli hostages, the beleaguered hospitals in Gaza, the cries from mourning families following yet another bombing, in the rubble, in the anguish, in all the unspeakable ways humans treat each other, the plaintive question arises again, and again, where is God?
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