VIDEO: July 2, at our adult education class, Bill Eklund provided an update on our partnership with our sister church in Sagua La Grande, Cuba. Slides included video greetings from Cuba, music by the congregation and photos of the city and church life.
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Compassion Kits
A few Sundays ago, our youth helped create children compassion kits for immigrant children and families living in shelters at the U.S./Mexico border. Your generous donations made possible 78 children kits, 50 adult kits and 400 pounds of food, which have now been delivered.
Read moreFreedom Day Service
We joyously celebrated Juneteenth with a Freedom Day Service in Federal Park with a lively celebration picnic afterward. If you were not able to come, enjoy the day through the video, and if you were there, relive some of your favorite moments.
Read moreUkulele Time
Have you dreamed of playing the ukulele? Dreamed of sitting on some Hawaii beach singing Aloha O’e?? Now’s your chance. A ukulele group, led by two nationally known ukulele players and teachers, meets at the church on Tuesdays. Interested? Join us.
Read moreDignity Project Donations
A note of thanks to all of you generous people who donated sheets and towels to the Las Placitas dignity project here is the short list of what they took to the Juárez shelters this past week. They had to get extra drivers as the 15’ U-haul wouldn’t hold it all.
Read moreNM Foster System
At adult ed on April 23, Ed Williams, Searchlight New Mexico, presents “Investigating New Mexico’s Foster System Work.” To learn more about how youth in crisis are handled in our foster care system, watch the video of his presentation.
Read moreThe Disability Experience as a Tool for Transformation
Disability is the only minority group that does not discriminate on any basis. How one leaves or joins the community and lives the experience can change what comes next, both for ourselves and for others. (Adult Ed, 8:30 am, April 16)
Read moreMuchas gracias…
…to all of you generous towel and sheet givers who donated these to Las Placitas Dignity Project so that they could take them to immigrant shelters in Juárez. Our car was so stuffed that I told my husband if we had a roll-over we would have been protected by all of the soft towels.
Read moreAfghan Women’s Center
Women at the Afghan women’s center here in Santa Fe are learning to sew drawstring bags and napkins out of cotton fabric. If you have any of this material, please donate it.
Read moreDignity Project
For over 5 years, The Dignity Project at Las Placitas Presbyterian has been sending a U-Haul truck of food and supplies to the immigrant shelters on the border. They are currently asking for used sheets, bath towels, and any flatware.
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