News Archives 2023

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Father John Dear

Special Visitor, Feb 4

Longtime peace activist, author and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Father John Dear will deliver the message at our worship service on February 4th at 10am, and that afternoon at 1pm he will talk to us about his newest book, The Gospel of Peace. To prepare for his visit, we had adult ed classes and a workshop in January.

Go Back and Get It

Watch Service, Dec 31

VIDEO. Sankofa is a phrase that encourages learning from the past to inform the future, reaching back to move forward, and lifting as we climb. Songs by Toni Morgan and a message by Madeleine Wright urge us to do just that.

Beautiful Crèche Display

Closing Dec 31

A big Thank You to all who participated in the beautiful crèche display. If you haven’t seen it, you should stop by before the New Year’s Eve Watch Night service at 10 am on December 31. After the service, contributors please come by the display and pick up your crèche, or pick it up from the office next week. Again, Thank You!

In Those Days

Worship, Dec 24

VIDEO. We know well the beginning of the Christmas story, “In those days . . .”  But what do we do with this beloved story “in these days” of unrest, conflict, war, and fear?  Let’s ask the shepherds in the fields. The scripture for this Christmas Eve worship is Luke 2:1-14.

Christmas Eve Services

Worship, 5pm & 8pm

There will be two Christmas Eve services in the sanctuary this year:  a family service at 5pm and a candlelight service at 8pm. At the 5pm family service, the Chancel Bell Choir will play, and at the 8pm service the Chancel Choir sings “Go Tell It On the Mountain” by John Abdenour.

Lighting the Way

Children’s Program, Dec 24

During the 10:00 morning worship service and during our 5:00 family Christmas Eve service, we will have children’s sermons. After the children receive a blessing at the 10:00 am service, they will leave the sanctuary to help “light the way” by placing our farolitos along the sidewalks leading into the sanctuary.

Dignity MIssion Update

Thank you!

Many thanks to all of you in the congregation who participated in filling the colorful plastic bags for the children in shelters.  Thanks to many other churches 733 bags were sent to the border to make Christmas special for the children there. Our church sent 80 bags! And there are still ways for you to give.

And Mary Sang

Worship, Dec 17, 8:30 & 11

God denounces the empire and makes a bold statement against greed, war, and injustice by choosing Mary, a poor, pregnant, and a soon to be homeless refugee.  And, oh, how Mary can sing! Pastor Harry leads a look at Mary’s song in Luke 1:46b-55.

Las Posadas, Downtown Churches

Procession, Service at the Cathedral, Dec 17

This year the Cathedral Basilica is hosting a worship service to observe Las Posadas, instead of the traditional procession from church to church we have done for many years.  Please join Pastor Harry in our own informal procession to the Cathedral following our 11 am service.  Food will be provided following worship.

A Season of Peace – Joy

Children’s Program, Dec 17, 8:30am

This Sunday, join us for our holiday celebration and experience Joy with our children! As we get cozy by the fire with a warm mug of hot cocoa or cider, let’s share the things that make us and our children wiggle with happiness. Together we can share how God acts in our lives in ways that make our hearts sing and praise God!

Peacemakers Group

Fridays, 10am, via Zoom

Peacemakers is a weekly group discovering the contributions of Gandhi, King, and Jesus to the foundations for peace and the means of living peace. Much of our study follows John Dear’s book The Gospel of Peace. Join us beginning December 22 as we focus on the theme, “Jesus: Prince of Peace.”


TGIF, Dec 15, 5:30pm

The eternal Summer Symphony Orchestra performs music by Albinoni, Bach, and Corelli at our Friday concert. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.

Ron Ball’s Christmas Celebration

Dec 17, 9:30am

Calling all children young and old! We invite everyone to join our joyful holiday celebration and remembrance of Ron Ball. We will make gingerbread houses, enjoy holiday treats and warm drinks with friends next to the Kiva, and fill the halls with Christmas carols.

Music, Magic, and Memories

Benefit Performance, Dec 19, 6pm

Join us for a night of music, magic and memories, as we raise money for Reyanne Toledo and the native youth Close Up Club to travel to Washington DC. Enjoy the illusionist Sasha Crespi, Taos flute player Robert Mirabal, and the Black Eagle Singers and support native youth.

Support Crisis Response

Paintings for Sale

Bonnie Tsosie, a member of our church, is offering paintings for sale for $500 with 50% of the proceeds going to support Crisis Response of Santa Fe. The Mobile Integrated Health Program, under the Santa Fe Fire Department, llacks structural support to meet the needs of our homeless and suffering population.

Deeper into the Story

Worship, Dec 10, 8:30 am

Don’t leave the beloved Christmas story to scholars or carols alone but allow Spiritual Direction to move us deep into the story so we might experience it with all our senses. Scripture is too important to leave just to the mind! Luke 2:1-14 is our scripture for the service.

Lessons and Carols

Worship, Dec 10

VIDEO. On this Second Sunday of Advent, we are treated to a beautiful service with readings from Howard Thurman’s The Mood of Christmas and Scripture Music by Chancel Choir and Chancel Bell Choir. View the video on our livestream webpage.

A Course in Miracles

Text Study Group, Starting in January

Join us for a guided journey through the Text of the Complete & Annotated Edition (CE) of A Course in Miracles, which includes 45,000 words of restored source material, extensive footnotes, and explanatory Cameo essays. For information please visit,

The Border Has Come to Us

Adult Ed, Dec 10, 9:45am

Andrew Black, Liesl Gonzales, and Deb Sanderson presented at this week’s class on their trip to the US/Mexico border. With a focus on Journey, they talked about what is happening with regard to trends of migraiton, immigration policy and framing and rhetoric, and how the border has come to us at FPC.

A Season of Peace

Children’s Program, Dec 10, 8:30

As we light the candle of Peace, we read the story (Isaiah 11:1-9). Sometimes the realities of life seem overwhelming, with natural disasters, wars, violence, and suffering in so many ways. Isaiah promises God will send one on whom “the Spirit of the Lord shall rest.”

Jesus Revolution

Movie Night, Dec 7, 6pm

In the 1970s, young Greg Laurie is searching for all the right things in all the wrong places: until he meets Lonnie Frisbee, a charismatic hippie-street-preacher. Together with Pastor Chuck Smith, they open the doors of Smith’s church to an unexpected revival of radical love, leading to a Jesus Revolution that changed the world.

Susan Weber’s Christmas Shop

PM Breakfast, Dec 9, 8am

Susan Weber, owner of Susan’s Christmas Shop, is the guest speaker at Saturday’s Prepared by Men’s Breakfast. As a young housewife, she discovered her talent in making Christmas ornaments, which later grew into her own shop. And now she is also an internationally famous author.

“Winter Lights”

SFWE Concerts, Dec 10, 12, 16, 17

We are proud to host the Santa Fe Women’s Ensemble’s concert and its beautiful variety of seasonal music. Sunday December 10, at 3 p.m., Tuesday December 12, at 6:30 p.m., Saturday December 16, at 3 p.m. and Sunday December 17, at 3 p.m. Light up your holiday season.

Food, Friends & Farolitos

Can You Help?

We have a great afternoon planned for our youth and families who are excited to help  make farolitios and light the way for Christ on Christmas Eve. Continuing our tradition, we will construct the farolitos the week before Christmas and decorate the church on Christmas Eve morning.

Travis Bregier and David Beatty

TGIF Concert, Dec 22, 5:30pm

Our talented Travis Bregier (baritone) and David Beatty (pianist) delight us with Christmas Classics and Carols at our Friday night concert. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.

First Sunday of Advent

Worship, Dec 3

Advent begins a new church year as we await the Christ child and prepare for his coming.  Worship will be in the style of the 8:30 am Morningsong service, ukuleles will share in the music, and we will ponder the earliest words of the Gospel from Mark 1:1-8.

Ukuleles Lead Us

Dec 3 at the 10am Service

On the first Sunday in Advent, our ukulele group will lead the congregation in hymns and play during the Offertory. One of the leaders, Daniel Ward will play meditative music to communion and play the Postlude. For those of you who have only seen the ukulele as a toy, prepare to be amazed.

Christmas Tamales!

First Sunday Lunch, Dec 3, Noon

For the first Sunday of Advent, we are having tamales—a New Mexican Christmas tradition. Join us in Pope Hall after the 10:00 service to feast on a variety of tamales (vegan, chicken, and pork) and/or taco salad (for our non-tamale folks). Bring your favorite side dish, salad, or dessert to share.

Adelante Coat Drive

Winter Mission Project

Our preschool is sponsoring a coat drive for young children who are in the Adelante Program. Can you help keep a child warm this winter? Adelante has asked for  winter coats and jackets size 2T-5T. You can drop them off in the basement (or in Anne’s office).

Bell Choir

TGIF, Dec 8, 5:30pm

Our own Chancel Bell Choir, conducted by Travis Bregier, director, will lift you up and into the Christmas spirit with their Friday concert. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.

Tomorrow’s Women

Adult Ed, Nov 26

VIDEO. Tarrie Burnett tells the story of Tomorrow’s Women, a nonprofit group that trains young women from Palestine, Israel, and the United States to be strong, compassionate leaders who partner to inspire action that promotes equality, peace, and justice for all.

Poinsettias for Christmas

Donate by Dec 20

During Christmas and New Year’s, we decorate our church with poinsettias. We invite members to contribute to the poinsettias funds if they so wish. You may pick up the flowers at the Sunday service on January 8 or leave them to be donated to people who are shut in this season.

Afghan Women’s Holiday Sale!

Nov 30, 3-7pm, St. Michaels Dr

Join us for a festive holiday sale highlighting the Afghan Women’s Sewing Collective, whose participants arrived in Santa Fe from the Afghan Refugee Resettlement Program. Our church has been an active participant in this program. The sale is at 1909 St. Michaels Dr, Ste G (behind Subway).

Karla Koll, Costa Rica

Soup Supper, Dec 13, 6:00pm

Karla Koll, a Presbyterian co-mission worker in Costa Rica, will be sharing stories about her work at the Latin American Biblical University, an ecumenical university located in San Jose. Come join us at 6:00 December 13th for a light soup supper to learn more about her work.

Joyful Noise in a Joyless Time

Worship, Nov 26

VIDEO. How does one find joy in our day, let alone share it with others?  The Psalmist has some clues in beloved Psalm 100. View the video on our livestream page.

Working for Peace and Justice

Children’s Program, Nov 26, 8:30am

This Sunday, we read the story where Micah proclaims a promise for God’s universal peace grounded in God’s teachings and justice. We study the image of swords beaten into plows, and we create a mural depicting our church welcoming people from all around the world into one loving family of God.

Be an Angel

Turn in Gifts Soon

Have you chosen an angel with the gift choice of a child or family? Please turn your gifts in by December 15th if at all possible (and no later than December 18th). If you have not chosen an angel and are interested in doing so, you can check the Angel Tree in the church lobby.

David Solem, Organ

TGIF, Nov 24, 5:30pm

Our talented David Solem will play three sonatas by Felix Mendelssohn at our Friday concert. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.

High Desert Harps

TGIF, Dec 1, 5:30pm

High Desert Harps graces us with a range of music—Celtic, Spain, Italian, French, English and Schubert—at our Friday concert. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.

Hanging Event

Adorning the Church, Nov 28

Help Liturgical Arts install liturgical hangings, decorate the Chrismon tree, drape garland around the Sanctuary doors, the 2nd floor railings, and the balcony. Hope you can join in for all or part of the day, Tuesday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Lunch provided.

Moses Flees Pharaoh

Worship, Nov 19

VIDEO. In Exodus 2:11-25, Moses tried to run away from the traumas in his life. Is there a better way? Pastor Harry tries to help us find one. If you missed the service, you can view it on our livestream page through Friday.

Where Is God?

Adult Ed, Nov 19

VIDEO. “God and the search for our deepest selves ends up being the same search,” so writes Richard Rohr.  Pastor Harry, a trained spiritual director, explains the art of spiritual direction as we embark on this journey of discovery in worship now through Pentecost.

Faith in Action

Children’s Program, Nov 19, 8:30am

This Sunday, we read the story of Queen Esther, a Jewish girl chosen to be the wife of the King of Persia, who as queen foiled a plot to kill the Jewish people. We look closely at this unusal story about a woman, and we look for ways God, although never mentioned, is present in this story.

Focus on Abortion: Americans Share Their Stories

Back Pew Gallery, Open through Dec 2

To show our support for the support of reproductive rights our Back Pew Gallery is hosting an exhibit, entitled Focus on Abortion: Americans Share Their Stories, based on the book by Roslyn Banish.  The exhibit features a special closing event on December 2.

Thor: Love and Thunder

Movie Night, Dec 21, 6pm

On his quest for inner peace, Thor, the God of Thunder,  is interrupted by the God Butcher, and to combat the threat, he enlists help from others, who surprise him. This movie takes Marvel Studios into questions of faith for the first time in a sustained way. Watch with friends in Pope Hall.

Luke Raffanti, Piano

TGIF, Dec 29, 5:30pm

We welcome Luke Raffanti playing the piano at our Friday concert. The program features music by Respighi, Brahms, Scriabin, Ravel, Bach, Lizst, and Chopin. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm, and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.

I Drew Him Out of the Water

Worship, Nov 12

VIDEO. Trauma permeates our world, as it did throughout the Bible. What are the signs of trauma in the birth story of Moses, and how might we learn from the struggles Moses faced?  Pastor Harry brings the story in Exodus 2:1-10 into our modern world.

Reimagining Transformative Bible Study

Adult Ed, Nov 12

VIDEO. With Dr. Patrick Reyes, we explored two well known stories in the bible in the hopes of gaining a fresh perspective for their importance today. We engaged the text and each other with a renewed imagination for our shared tradition. Most importantly, we had fun.

Sharing Our Faith with Others

Children’s Program, Nov 12

This Sunday, we read the story of Naaman who was powerless to bring about his own healing and a young servant girl who shares her faith in God’s healing power. We share how we feel valued when others listen to us, and we talk about our faith and how we see God active in our lives.

Support for Ghost Ranch

Mission Update, Nov 12, 11:00am

We welcome Rev. Tim Hart-Andersen, President of the Ghost Ranch Board, at our 11:00 service on November 12 to share a Minute for Mission with us about how we can support Ghost Ranch. Following the service, join him in Pope Hall where he will update us on what is happening there. Pastries and coffee will be served.

Building Together for a Better Future

Prepared by Men Breakfast, Nov 11, 8am

Rob Lochner from Habitat for Humanity speaks on how we can work to help fill our community with justice and love. Rob is a Construction Director at HfH. Please arrive by 7:45 am for conversation and to get your breakfast, which features a big surprise planned by John Whitcomb.

Gioioso String Quartet

TGIF, Nov 17, 5:30pm

The Gioioso String Quartet will play music by Mendelssohn, Friday, November 17, at our TGIF Concert. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.

Play Santa for Them

Christmas Mission Project

In conjunction with Las Placitas Presbyterian and other churches we have the opportunity to fill small bags with Christmas gifts for the children in shelters in El Paso and Juárez. Pick a bag up in the lobby this Sunday, November 12, which will contain a list of suggested items to give. Then return it November 26.

All Saints Sunday

Worship, Nov 5

VIDEO. This Sunday we acknowledged and gave thanks for loved ones, friends, and members of our community who have passed away during the last year.  The Chancel Choir sang John Rutter’s Requiem during this commemorative service. Nate Ledbetter delivered the message “Responding to the Cry” based on Matthew 5:38-42 and his work at the border.

Reflections for the Journey

Adult Ed, Nov 5

VIDEO. In “Reflections for the Journey: Principles of Ethical Storytelling,” Nate Ledbetter, shares with us stories and reflections on scripture, and he highlights ethical principles that connect to the work on the border that can be applied in many places. This class enhances his message in our worship service.

Michael Tortorella, Piano

TGIF, Nov 10

Michael Tortorella will be playing Charles Griffes’ “Roman Sketches” and “Al Far della Notte” at our Friday concert. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.

Remembrance and Gratitude

Luncheon, Nov 5, 11:30am

On Sunday, we will be remembering those we have lost this past year. We will be remembering those who are long gone.  We will be remembering with gratitude how these loved ones helped shape our lives. As a part of this remembrance, FF&F will be preparing and serving lunch following the service at 10 am. Will you participate?

Faithful and Resourceful

Children’s Program, Nov 5, 10am

This Sunday we will read the story (2 Kings 4:1-7) of the prophet Elisha who helped a poor woman whose husband had died and his debtors were ready to take away her two children as slaves. Children will pinch pots, learn about money and the cost of items, and learn about difference and inequity.

God’s Daily Checklist

Worship, October 29

VIDEO. Unsure about what God wants from us and all humanity?  Look no further than the prophet Micah (6:1-8), whose words may be the most important ones we need to hear today.

Chenxing Huang, Piano

TGIF, November 3

Award-winning Chinese pianist, Chenxing Huang, will be playing music by Janacek, Debussy and Liszt, this Friday at our TGIF Concert. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.

When Uncertainty Is a Sure Thing

Reformation Sunday, Oct 29

VIDEO. We commemorate this Sunday with a worship service of word and song celebrating the beauty, wonder, and fragility of God’s creation. Dr. Larry Rasmussen leads us in reflection on “Climate Change through the Lens of the Reformation.”

White Supremacy Characteristics

Adult Ed, October 22 & 29

VIDEOS. What are the characteristics of white supremacy culture? Do we see them around us? At our church? In two October classes, Dr. Simesha McEachern helps us understand those unchosen and damaging characteristics that show up in our culture that are hard for us to see.

Blessed are the Peacemakers

Children’s Program, October 29

This Sunday we will read the story of Abigail the peacemaker (1 Samuel 25). The story of Nabal, Abigail, and David shows a resourceful woman who made peace and prevented violence between powerful men. In our lesson, we will explore ways that showing hospitality to others can help bring peace.

Fall Caja Cleanup

Saturday, November 4

Join us for our annual clean-up! Get involved and meet fellow community members. Help us protect this sacred land. Free lunch provided. Arrive at 9:30am. The clean-up is from 10:00am-1:00pm with lunch at 1:00pm.

Carson Cooman, Organ

TGIF, October 27

We welcome Carson Cooman to perform music by Boykin, Frahm, Beaumont, Ferrari and Aberg at our Friday concert. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.

Hacksaw Ridge

Movie Night, November 9

World War II American Army Medic Desmond T. Doss, serving during the Battle of Okinawa, refuses to kill people and becomes the first man in American history to receive the Medal of Honor without firing a shot. Our Spirituality and Movie Night continues November 2 in Pope Hall.

An Incomplete Faith: Seeing the Face of God in Children

Worship, October 22

VIDEO. Pastor Andrew preached on the recent trip by our congregation’s youth and young adults to the US/Mexico Border and how we glimpsed the living God in the faces of the children and families we encountered.

Border Encounter 2023

Youth Mission Trip

VIDEO. In October 2023, Pastor Andrew and a group of youth and young adults from our church traveled to the U.S./ Mexico border in El Paso to work with families and children along the border and bring essential supplies.

Mascaro and Ditlow

TGIF, October 23

Veronica Mascaro (flute) and Kristin Ditlow (piano) perform a lively collection of Folk, Country, African American Spiritual, Broadway, Christopher Caliendo, and David Mairs songs. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.

New Online Giving Page

Now Live!

We are very happy to let you know that the new and improved online giving page is now live! Vanco, our eGiving provider, has made it easier than ever to make one-time gifts or set up recurring donations to our church. Check it out: Give Online.

Navajo Quilt Project

Mission Project, October

We are so grateful for your generosity! We have gathered quilts and supplies that will be very much appreciated by the quilters who live on the Navajo Nation. We will continue to accept donations during October. Monetary donations are also very much welcomed.

Day by Day

Worship, October 15

VIDEO. How do we grow the Beloved Community and why is it so important and essential that we do in today’s society? We look at Acts 2:44-47 and explore its meaning for today. If you missed the service, you can view the video.

Love God, Love Others

Children’s Program, October 15

This Sunday we will explore what it means to follow God’s commandment: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” We will work with our Deacons to show love and compassion to those in need as we create brown bag lunches for the homeless.

Congregational Life Fair

October 15, Lobby, Chapel

Come, See, and Learn about our many groups, committees, and ministries. Then get involved! Help us Grow the Beloved Community. From 9:30 am-11:00 am and 12:00 pm-12:30 pm, we are holding a fair in the lobby and McFarland Chapel featuring our many, many groups and committees.

Blessing of the Animals

October 8

VIDEO. During the October 6 Worship Service, a special A special portion of the service was devoted to blessing of the animals. It begins at approximately Minute 16 of the video of the full service with a responsive reading for the call to worship and then proceeds to the blessings themselves.

Awe Comes Upon Everyone

Worship, October 8

VIDEO. Not long after Pentecost, awe came upon everyone, something was happening they couldn’t explain, and they felt a stirring in their hearts. Is this your experience of worship? Pastor Harry asks us to compare the experience in Acts 2:37-43 to our experience today.

Love God, Love Others

Children’s Program, October 8

This Sunday we will explore God’s two greatest commandments: “The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your might”, and “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Work of the People

Adult Education, October 8

VIDEO. At our Acts II class, “Work of the People: Why we worship and what we do,” Pastor Harry and Dr. Linda Raney looked at all things worship—how a service is planned each week, the various parts of worship, and why we do what we do. As a group we even selected hymns for next week.

Art of Traditional Chinese Medicine

PM Breakfast, Saturday, October 14

The guest speaker at our next Prepared by Men’s Breakfast is Katy Whitcomb, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, who will speak on “The Art of Traditional Chinese Medicine.” She is a native of Santa Fe, and grew up attending church at First Presbyterian with her family. She has a private practice in Santa Fe. Breakfast begins at 7:45 and program at 9:00 am.


TGIF, October 13

We welcome eSSO to our TGIF Concer on October 13. They will be playing music by Haydn, Beethoven, and Morricone. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.

David Solem, Piano and Organ

TGIF, October 6

David Solem will be playing music by Persichetti and Beethoven on the piano and organ at our TGIF Concert on October 6. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.

Learning from Each Other

Worship, October 1

VIDEO. October 1 at 10am, we celebrate World Communion Sunday led by our Indigenous siblings. Rev. Judy Wellington of Pima and Souix heritage delivers the message, “Learning from Each Other” based on Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16. Music by Navajo composer Conner Chee and flutist Sky Red Hawk are featured.

Ancient Indigenous Crafts

Luncheon, October 1

VIDEO. Immediately after our 10 am service, we moved into Pope Hall for a special luncheon featuring Mary Weahkee and the utilitarian crafts that she has learned from elders at various pueblos including turkey feather blankets and yucca sandals.

Catching Dreams

Children’s Program, October 1

During the 10am worship service, our children will be making dreamcatchers, tying into our celebration of Indigenous people. They will also hear a story by N. Scott Momaday, the first Native American to win the Pulitzer Prize in fiction.

Navajo Quilt Project

Mission Project, October

We are gathering fabric, quilting supplies and finished quilts to donate to the quilters that live on the Navajo Nation.  During October we will be gathering donations of clean fabric (minimum of 1/4 yard), thread, rulers, batting, and fully functioning new or used sewing machines. Monetary donations also welcomed.

FPC Chancel Choir

TGIF, September 29

On September 29, TGIF features our own Chancel Choir singing the Lord Nelson Mass by Franz Joseph Haydn. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.

TGIF, September 22

Daniel Schwab, clarinet, and Natasha Stojanovska, piano, will perform the Nielsen Clarinet Concerto, op. 57, at our TGIF concert on September 22, 2023. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm, and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.

Movie Night, October 12

Otto is a grump who’s given up on life following the loss of his wife and wants to end it all. When a young family moves in nearby, he meets his match in quick-witted Marisol, leading to a friendship that will turn his world around.

They Came to Jericho

September 24 Video

A blind man got his sight the day Jesus and his disciples came to Jericho (Mark 10:46-52).  The way it happened is fascinating and might help us gain our sight to better see the world around us.  Hear Pastor Harry’s take on this story.

TGIF, Schwab and Stojanvska

Daniel Schwab on the clarinet and Natasha Stojanvska on piano will perform The Nielsen Clarinet Concerto at the TGIF concert on September 22. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with a free-will offering taken.

Jesus and the Beloved Community

Videos of September 17 & 24

In a time when millions of people have left the church and Christianity, they haven’t left Jesus.  He is still revered, and still baffles, surprises, and inspires. Who, then, is this Jesus, and who have we tried to make him to be?

Fiesta Flavor

September 3, a mariachi band, Mariachi Sonidos Del Monte, led us out of our September 3 worship service onto the triangle, as we continued to celebrate Hispanic Heritage with a fiesta of sweets. And for the children, we had a piñata to burst.

Happy Birthday, Nancy!

Nancy Armbruster is excited about her 90th birthday coming up on September 22, and we are excited to help her celebrate it between services on September 24. Nancy’s daughter, Ellen, is bringing a carrot cake, Nancy’s favorite.

Border Mission Trip

Pastor Andrew is leading a group of young adults and high school youth to help families and children along the US/Mexico border. These families seeking the safety of asylum in the United States find themselves in desperate situations with little food, water and basic supplies. You can help.

A Lifetime of Change

Video of September 10

At the September 10 adult education hour, Drew Hill presents “A Year of Service for a Lifetime of Change.” He joyfully shares and discusses his recent experience as a Young Adult Volunteer in Washington, DC.

Support for Maui

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is responding to the fires on Maui and you can designate gifts for this. Make your check payable to Presbyterian Church USA and write “DR000165-Hawaii” on the memo line.

Peace Offering

Each September our church, along with Presbyterian churches around the world, give to the Peace and Global Witness offering.  Who benefits from it?  How, as Christians, can we help to bring about peace  and reconciliation around the world?

David Solem, Piano

Our own David Solem will be featured at the TGIF Concert on September 15, playing music by Franz Josef Haydn on the piano. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm, and the concert begins at 5:30pm.  The concert is free with a free-will offering taken.

Let Down your Nets

September 17 Video

The disciples caught nothing.  How often do we think the same thing?  Nothing today caught my attention or was important or meaningful.  Then Jesus tells us to let down our nets in the deep water.  At our worship service on September 17, we find out what happens next, and whether it can still happen today.

Opening Our Eyes

VIDEO. September 9, Prepared By Men’s Breakfast welcomed Dr. Ed Barker to speak on the “Wonders of the Webb Telescope: Opening our eyes to new worlds, new science and new age of the Universe.” Ed is a consultant for LZT and an expert on space debris from his years at NASA and the McDonald Observatory.

Learning from Each Other

Sunday morning, October 1, we celebrate Indigenous People with a worship service at 10:00 with Rev. Judy Wellington (above left) delivering the sermon, “Learning from Each Other.” And then we move into Pope Hall to hear Mary Weahkee (above right) talk about utilitarian crafts that she has learned from elders at various pueblos including turkey […]

Living into Change

September 10

“How a year of service, exploration, and science fiction transformed my understanding of living into Christ’s call,” is how Drew Hill summarizes his message for us in our worship services on September 10. Drew shares insights gained from his recent year as a Young Adult Volunteer.

Wake Up, Wake Up

September 3 Video

The first Sunday in September, we celebrated Hispanic Heritage in our worship service. Pat Rivera of La Sociedad Folklórica delivered the message, picking up from “Las Mañanitas,” which she sang for us. Our postlude was a mariachi band leading us to the fiesta.

Life on the Ark

Our children continue to imagine what it might have been like to be a member of Noah’s family on the ark. As they hear the story, they create art and share their funny and wise observations and depictions of this story.

TGIF, Haewon Yang

Friday, September 8, TGIF features Haewon Yang, who has been recognized for her colorful and sensitive performances. She will be playing music by Florence Price, Arthur Lourie, Claude Debussy, and Harry Bulow. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm, and the concert begins at 5:30pm.

The Shack

A grieving man receives a mysterious, personal invitation to meet with God at a place called “The Shack.” He does and it is not what he expected. Our Spirituality and Movie Night continues September 14 on our rooftop garden.

Tortillas from Scratch

The children will be making tortillas from scratch as they participate in our celebration of Hispanic Heritage on September 3. After the worship service, they rejoin us for the fiesta—for sweet treats and a piñata to burst.

A Sweet Fiesta

A mariachi band, Mariachi Sonidos Del Monte, leads us out of our September 3 worship service onto the triangle, as we continue to celebrate Hispanic Heritage with a fiesta of sweets. And for the children, we have a piñata to burst.

Larry Rasmussen Visit

Larry Rasmussen, the country’s premier eco-theologian and scholar, signed books at our Environmental and Sustainable Living Fair, held on Sunday August 27 as we closed our Earth Summer series. Multiple vendors answered homeowners’ questions, and there was fun for the kids.

Movie Night, Aug 31

Our Spirituality and Movie Night begins August 31 with Father Stu. This movie is based on the true-life story of boxer-turned-priest; God wanted a fighter and he found one.  Join us on the rooftop for this unflinchingly honest, funny and uplifting movie.

Benefit Concert for Maui

Sunday, September 3, at 3:00 p.m., in our sanctuary, Daniel Ward, Heidi Swedberg, Craig McClelland, and John Bartlit will be presenting songs from Hawai’i and around the world that encourage participation and engagement. No ticket is needed but donations will be taken up for Maui recovery.

TGIF, Carr and Dal Porto

Tracy Carr on the oboe and Mark Dal Porto on the piano will be performing music by Morricone, Still, Dal Porto and Navarro at the September 1 TGIF. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with a free-will offering taken.

Then I Saw

August 27 Video

Sightings of “a new heaven and a new earth” are rare today, so we need to sit up and take notice of the visionary author of Revelation (21:1-4). What are these verses telling us about how we might live amid the beauty and hope of today’s world?

Environmental Fair

Our Adult Education series Earth Summer comes to a close on August 27 with a Environmental and Sustainable Living Fair, to be held in Pope Hall between 9:00 and noon. Multiple vendors will be available to answer questions about what you might do in your own home.

Moses Looked

August 20 Video

What if Moses didn’t look at the burning bush?  And how many burning bushes do we pass by unnoticed? Pastor Harry explores this thought Sunday morning, August 20, in his message, based on Exodus 3:1-12. View the video and begin to think about what burning bush called out your name.


Friday, August 25, the TGIF concert showcases eSSO, playing music by Joseph Bologne and Franz Joseph Haydn. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with a free-will offering taken.

NWF’s Outdoor Programs

VIDEO. August 20, our adult education program features National Wildlife Federation‘s Early Childhood Healthy Outdoors Program (ECHO) and its Sacred Grounds Program. View the video and learn about these truly transforming programs for organizations and churches.

Earth Summer

VIDEOS. The Creator calls us, as individuals and communities, to be responsible stewards and keepers of the Earth. But what does this really mean? This summer’s Adult Education explores this very question. See the following schedule and videos of classes.

Spirituality and Movie Night

How are we called toward relationship with God while living a life of social justice, inclusivity, and compassion? Whether you are someone new looking to be in a healthy community or a salty old Christian who’s been at it for years, this movie series is for you!

Sundae Social

Join us in celebrating the start of a new school year! Let’s gather as a community to show our love and appreciation for our students (whether they are starting preschool or college), our teachers and our families. Sunday, August 20, 10am, on the triangle.

Mary The Tower

August 13 Video

Coverups are well-known historically and now, but what happens when recent biblical scholarship has exposed a coverup of Mary Magdalene?  Mary, who shows up in so many gospel stories, is much more important than we were told, and it has major implications for our understanding of Christianity. What now?

Soul Festival 2023

The vibrant energy of the Santa Fe Soul Festival returns on August 26 and 27. Soul Rhythms free demo and jam session will be held at our church on Saturday from 3:00-4:30pm, and a Gospel Concert will be held at the Saint Francis Auditorium on Sunday.

TGIF: Meyerhoffer and Bentley

Friday, August 18, TGIF features Elaine Wang Meyerhoffer, mezzo soprano, and Richard Bentley, piano. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with a free-will offering taken.

Making Dough

Our youth learn how to make dough and bake as part of the story of Jesus’ miracle of loaves and fishes. We have great young adults guiding our youth toward faith, hope and love.

Going Solar

VIDEO. In our adult education class on Sunday, August 13, Genevieve Clayton from Positive Energy Solar provided a wealth of information on residential solar and associated tax credits. Watch the video to learn what this could mean in your home.

TGIF: Marcus and Light

Friday, August 11, TGIF features Robert Marcus, clarinet, and Edwin Light, piano, performing the music of Finzi and Horowitz. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with a free-will offering taken.

NMPGV Benefit Concert

On August 26, we are pleased to host a benefit concert by for the New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence. Louise Bomse will perform a solo piano concert at 2:00pm in our sanctuary. Suggested donation for the concert is $20 (with under 18 free). As many know, Pastor Harry is a co-founder of NMPGV.

Three Days with Jesus

August 6 Video

We have lots of choices on how to live our lives.  What would it be like to spend three of our days with Jesus? Sunday morning, August 6, Pastor Harry invites us to imagine just that. Our scripture is Matthew 15:32-39. View a video of the service.

Caja Film Fest

August 11, 6-8pm, join the Caja del Rio Coalition for a free film screening and panel with local leaders to discuss opportunities and challenges for protecting the Caja. Free parking. Free food. And a chance to learn how to help.

Organ Academy

Friday, August 4, Dr. Kimberly Marshall returns to teach the 2023 Summer Organ Academy. This TGIF offering begins at 5:30pm (sanctuary doors open at 5:15). These concerts are free and open to all.

Sustainable Living

VIDEO. July 30, at our Earth Summer adult ed class, Jen Milnes helped us reflect on how we can live more sustainably at home, with helpful tips on reducing waste, changing to more eco-friendly products, and reusing packaging items. View video to see these ideas and those from the attendees.

God Breathed

July 30 Video

We start at the beginning of the second Creation story, and it soon becomes clear we have lost our way, far from the Garden.  God breathed life into the world then, but what about now?  Is God still breathing? View Pastor Harry’s message on Genesis 2:4b-9.

Been to Canaan

July 23 Video

Sunday morning, July 23, Pastor Harry tells how The Wild Goose, a Celtic symbol of God’s Spirit, was alive and well this past week on a farm in North Carolina in his message, “Been to Canaan” (based on Leviticus 25:8-19).

Kimberly Marshall, Organ

Friday, July 28, TGIF features Kimberly Marshall on the organ, playing Mendelssohn, Schlick, Sandresky, Bertoldo, Purcell and Bach. Join us in the sanctuary at 5:30pm. And come for a sound bath August 1.

Rooftop Garden Reopened

Our beautiful rooftop garden has now reopened after extensive roof repairs and the laying of artificial turf. Starting Sunday, July 23, our MorningSong services will be held there at 8:30 on the second, third, and fourth Sundays of each month for the rest of the summer.

Pews or Chairs?

Dear Members of FPC Santa Fe, A suggestion has been made to replace pews in the Sanctuary with chairs.  A Sanctuary Seating Task Force was authorized by the Session, to explore the possibilities and problems of the idea and to make a recommendation to the Congregation and to Session about whether to take this action […]

Celebrating a Birthday

For Maurice Trimmer’s 93rd birthday, his son Mark, who lives in Albuquerque, planned a small party party for his dad, and several members of the Second Family joined in the celebration. The Second Family offers a special friendship to the elderly in our congregation and needs more volunteers.

Our Youngest Stewards

To parallel our Earth Summer Series, our youth will also explore the amazing planet we call home and how to be good stewards of God’s creation. Over the next few weeks, we will be exploring the creation story (Genesis 1-2) through various activities including; art, music, cooking, drama and science.

Tales of the Southwest

Our Family Ministry program wants you to be aware of a great family opportunity. Through July, local legend Joe Hayes tells captivating stories of the Southwest Sunday evenings at 7:00pm at Reunity Resources. FREE for all ages!

Restoring Eden

July 16 Video

On July 16, Rev. Carolyn Raar’s message, “Restoring Eden to Madagascar” (based on Revelations 22:1-5), touched on the Catholic church rescinding the Doctrine of Discovery and the church’s responsibility for speaking out against the theft of environmental resources from impoverished countries.

Echoing Aire Duo

Echoing Aire Duo, Melissa Montoya, Soprano, and Ronaldo Baca, Guitar, present Siglos en Olvido, Songs of Spain at our TGIF concert, Friday, July 21. Join us in the sanctuary at 5:30pm.  The program is free, with a free-will offering taken. All are welcome.

Turning Bread into Dough

July 9 Video

Sunday, July 9, Rev. Andrew Black delivered the message, “Turning Bread into Dough,” based on John 6:1-15.  His message on the feeding of the five thousand took a different lens than most of us usually hear.

Andrew Paulson, TGIF

On Friday July 14, TGIF welcomes Andrew Paulson, baritone, and Richard Bentley, piano, as they perform music by Mahler, Poulenc and Tosti. Join us in the sanctuary at 5:30pm.  The program is free, with a free-will offering taken. All are welcome.

Donate Dictionaries

The Coalition for Prisoners’ Rights (CPR) here in Santa Fe sends donated books to prisoners all over the country. Right now they need English dictionaries and/or thesauri, and our Mission and Social Justice Committee will get your donation to them.

Matthew 25 Fund

Our Mission and Social Justice Committee has just announced a new partnership with Westminster Presbyterian on a Matthew 25 Fund they started in early 2020. The fund makes individual grants to Santa Feans for housing, utilities, medical, dental and auto repairs with a limit of $500 per applicant.

TGIF Features Clarinetist

Daniel Schwab, principal clarinetist in the Santa Fe Community Orchestra, will be performing at our TGIF concert on Friday, July 7. Join us in the sanctuary at 5:30pm.  The program is free, with a free-will offering taken. All are welcome.

Our Sister Church

VIDEO: July 2, at our adult education class, Bill Eklund provided an update on our partnership with our sister church in Sagua La Grande, Cuba. Slides included video greetings from Cuba, music by the congregation and photos of the city and church life.

We Will Be Content

July 2 Video

Where do we find contentment in a world such as ours? Pastor Harry addresses this in his message Sunday, July 2. The scripture is I Timothy 6:6-16.

Compassion Kits

A few Sundays ago, our youth helped create children compassion kits for immigrant children and families living in shelters at the U.S./Mexico border. Your generous donations made possible 78 children kits, 50 adult kits and 400 pounds of food, which have now been delivered.

Water: Rain and Rainbows

Rev. Canon Raymond Raney delivered the message Sunday June 25, based on Genesis 6:9-22;7:24;8:14-19 (the story of Noah and the Ark). View the full service video, including solos by Philippe L’Esperance and a striking benediction to close the sermon and service.

Freedom Day Service

We joyously celebrated Juneteenth with a Freedom Day Service in Federal Park with a lively celebration picnic afterward. If you were not able to come, enjoy the day through the video, and if you were there, relive some of your favorite moments.

Ukulele Time

Have you dreamed of playing the ukulele?  Dreamed of sitting on some Hawaii beach singing Aloha O’e??  Now’s your chance.  A ukulele group, led by two nationally known ukulele players and teachers, meets at the church on Tuesdays. Interested? Join us.

“The Sixth Day”

Sunday, June 11, Pastor Harry preaches on Genesis 1:26-31. God created humans and all living creatures on the Sixth Day and told us to be responsible stewards and take care of the earth. Did God place too much trust in our abilities and behaviors?

Brass Concert, June 9

This Friday join us for a brass concert featuring the Sin Nombre and Black Mesa Brass Quintets. Every Friday we gather at 5:30 pm in our sanctuary for our TGIF concerts. Everyone is welcome. There is no fee, but a free will offering is taken. Hope to see you there.

Trinity Sunday, June 4

At our Trinity Sunday worship service on June 4. Pastor Harry delivered the message “Eleven on the Mountain,” based on Matthew 28:16-20. The one worship service at 10 am welcomed new members and had an ordination and installation.

Sunday School Volunteers Needed

Do you want to get to know our youth and help them grow in the faith and mission of our church? Volunteers will be provided with a full less of stories, songs, and activities. Help our youth explore the Bible.

Warm Airs Whispering

Saturday, June 3, at 2:00 pm, First Presbyterian Church will host a benefit recital to support Tri-M Productions featuring Ruby Nightingale and Elizebeth Barnes. Tickets are $20 with additional donations accepted.

Understanding Christian Nationalism

“Christian Nationalism” seems ever-present in the news these days, but what is it and where did it come from? We explored this in our recent adult education series. If you missed it, videos are now available.

COVID Vax Clinic, May 12

We are having another COVID vaccination clinic on Friday, May 12, 10am-2pm. Come by appointment; walk-ins also welcome. Serving all ages from 6 months on with a child-friendly environment for the younger set.

Sunday Sundaes

Sunday May 21, at 10 am, we gather on the triangle outside our sanctuary doors to celebrate our youth as they end another great school year! Enjoy the joy of the children. Enjoy each other in this ice cream social. Sprinkle on the fun!

Sacred Landscapes

Rev. Andrew Black who will speak on Advocating to Protect Sacred Landscapes at the next Prepared By Men Breakfast, Saturday, May 13, 8:00 am. He will talk about why it’s important for people of faith to work together to protect public lands that are home to wildlife, historical artifacts and sacred Indigenous sites.

Dr. Barbee Delivers Message on May 7

Rev. Dr. Amantha Barbee delivered the Sunday message on May 7 at our 10 am service. Focusing on Mark 7:24-30 (the story about the Syrophoenician Woman), her sermon is entitled “Call Your Dog.” She enjoins, “We all have something we can learn…

Show Your Appreciation

Show your appreciation to our hard working and dedicated staff and teachers by stocking the staff/teacher lounge with snacks, drinks, and any other treats you would like to donate! Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week is May 8-12.

Dignity Project Donations

A note of thanks to all of you generous people who donated sheets and towels to the Las Placitas dignity project here is the short list of what they took to the Juárez shelters this past week. They had to get extra drivers as the 15’ U-haul wouldn’t hold it all.

Straying from the Path

At the adult ed hour on April 30, David Solem, a licensed clinical social worker, presents “Straying From the Path: Queer Theory and Queer Energy as Models for Individuation.” To learn more about cultural narratives and silenced voices, view the video.

NM Foster System

At adult ed on April 23, Ed Williams, Searchlight New Mexico, presents “Investigating New Mexico’s Foster System Work.” To learn more about how youth in crisis are handled in our foster care system, watch the video of his presentation.

The Disability Experience as a Tool for Transformation

Disability is the only minority group that does not discriminate on any basis. How one leaves or joins the community and lives the experience can change what comes next, both for ourselves and for others. (Adult Ed, 8:30 am, April 16)

Easter Celebrations

We joyously celebrated Easter with three Easter services: a sunrise service at the Caja del Rio, a MorningSong service and baptism in the Park, and a traditional Easter service in our sanctuary with trumpets and choir singing “This Joyous Eastertide.”

Vamanos Video

VIDEO. Tim Rogers, Trails Program Manager, Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Santa Fe Conservation Trust, spoke on the Vamanos walking and hiking program that starts in May and runs through October. His presentation at the Prepared by Men’s Breakfast on April 8 is now available.

Good Friday Concert

Our Chancel Choir offers “Requiem” by Luigi Cherubini on Good Friday, April 7, 2023. The choir is led by Dr. Linda Raney. This concert is part of our ongoing TGIF concerts offered every Friday. The concerts are open to the public and include a free will offering.

Muchas gracias…

…to all of you generous towel and sheet givers who donated these to Las Placitas Dignity Project so that they could take them to immigrant shelters in Juárez. Our car was so stuffed that I told my husband if we had a roll-over we would have been protected by all of the soft towels.

Palm Sunday, April 2

Join us for our traditional processional to the Santa Fe Plaza this Sunday. We have one worship service at 10 am, and at 10:15 follow bagpipes to the Plaza to to celebrate Palm Sunday with the Cathedral Basilica and Church of the Holy Faith.

New Recycling Opportunities

First Presbyterian Church and EarthKeepers 360 has partnered with Terracycle and Got Sneakers to recycle “hard-to-recycle” items and keep these items out of the landfill. We invite you to recycle these items at our recycling drop-off location in the church basement garage.

Baroque Holy Week

Join us on Saturday, April 1, at 7:00 pm and Sunday, April 2, at 3:00 pm at FPC, as Santa Fe Pro Musica continues their decades long tradition of Baroque Holy Week. Tickets available through Santa Fe ProMusica.

Afghan Women’s Center

Women at the Afghan women’s center here in Santa Fe are learning to sew drawstring bags and napkins out of cotton fabric. If you have any of this material, please donate it.

Dignity Project

For over 5 years, The Dignity Project at Las Placitas Presbyterian has been sending a U-Haul truck of food and supplies to the immigrant shelters on the border. They are currently asking for used sheets, bath towels, and any flatware.

Parents Gather March 26

Parents are invited to a brief gathering to discuss new opportunities to engage as a family in our community. A number of activities are being considered. Join us March 26 immediately after the first service in Pope Hall.

Faith Build

Help build homes and build hope. Join Pastor Andrew and others from our church for the Santa Fe Habitat for Humanity Faith Build 2023. Faith groups gather at the at Plaza Bonita Subdivision on Saturday April 15 from 8:30-3:30 for Faith Build 2023.

FPC Composting

We have now partnered with Reunity Resources to offer a food scrap composting program for church functions and for our preschool. Food scraps will be collected weekly and turned into nutrient rich compost for use in our rooftop garden.

Save Oak Flat

Pastor Andrew and Rev. Eric Ledermann support Native Americans in the effort to prevent copper mining that would be on a location sacred to several tribal nations in Arizona and that would cripple Arizona’s water supply.

Reading Quest

VIDEO. Rayna Dineen, Executive Director of Reading Quest, addressed the Prepared by Men’s Breakfast on March 11 at 8am. Reading Quest provides free literacy tutoring and social emotional support for hundreds of striving readers.

Caja del Rio Postcard

The Caja del Rio plateau is one of the most ecologically rich and culturally significant landscapes in the Southwest. Pastor Andrew and  Brody Toledo share the beauty and significance of this region in the video: Caja del Rio: Road to 30 Postcard.

Bending the Arc

We are part of that moral universe bending toward justice as seen by Martin Luther King Jr. But ours is not a passive role; we must do our part. Adult ed classes in February addressed racial justice issues and we heard from some very special guests.

Understanding Intersectionality

To adequately understand the oppression of people who are marginalized, we must understand the impact of the intersection of race, gender, sexuality, ability, class and other characteristics. Join us in an upcoming workshop led by Rev. Dr. Amantha Barbee.

Poverty: Not Just for the Poor

During March the Acts II, Adult Education program took a deep look at poverty in our area and explore the question of What can we, should we do? See videos of these classes below.

A Just City

Santa Fe Mayor Alan Webber spoke on the topic of “What Does It Mean to be a Just City” at the Prepared by Men’s Breakfast on Feb 11. If you missed the breakfast, you can watch the video. The Breakfast will be resuming a more normal schedule so watch for upcoming events.

New Parking Available

We now have parking all evenings and most weekends right behind our church in the upper level of the county parking lot.  A new agreement with the county has made this available to our church. See the details.

First Sundays

Since the beginning of 2023, we continue to celebrate the first Sunday of each month by combining our two services and worshiping together at 10am in the Sanctuary (and via Livestream). Following the service, we will have a potluck meal in Pope Hall.

The Feminine Divine

This series explores how we might consider God—one with feminine attributes. In January in the Acts II Adult Education classes as explored this topic. Videos of past classes are below.

Next Vax Clinic, Jan 16

Our next COVID-19 vaccine clinic will be held here at church on Monday, Jan 16, from 10 am until 2 pm. We will be serving all ages in a child-friendly environment. Register by appointment or come as a walk-in. Invite others.

Follow Drew’s Year

Last Fall Drew Hill began a year of service as a Presbyterian Young Adult Volunteer. To keep us up on his experience, he created a blog and has posted some updates: “A Journal to a Friend” and “Preaching Community.” Catch up on the latest from Drew’s blog.

“Good Morning” Message

Dr. Simesha McEachern, President Elect of Santa Fe NAACP, delivered a message on the celebration of change at our third annual Watch Night service, held Jan 1, which also featured a special litany and spirituals.

Scripture on the Margins Video

What does it look like to tell the good news through the stories of women who are often on the margins of scripture? Watch the video of our Oct 16 adult ed when Pastor Harry introduces A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church by Wilda Gafney.