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100 NM Leaders Call on Biden
From PCUSA News, Dec 19:
More than 100 New Mexico leaders call on President Biden to designate the Caja del Rio a national monument. More than 100 spiritual, faith, and tribal leaders from across New Mexico sent a letter last week to President Joe Biden, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, U.S. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, and the New Mexico congressional delegation calling for the protection of the Caja del Rio as a national monument.
The Star Stopped
Worship, Dec 29
VIDEO. The Magi follow a star to Bethlehem and the Gospel of Matthew mentions the star stopped (Matthew 2:1-12). Stars don’t stop. What might this mean and what might we consider stopping this year? Join us this Sunday as Pastor Harry leads us to explore this question.
Christmas Carol Sing
Wednesdays, Dec 4, 11, 18, 25, 5pm
Join us as we sing our way through the season. Linda Raney leads us in songs from our hymnal, and perhaps a few secular favorites, Dec 4, 11, and 18, 5-5:30pm in our sanctuary. All ages welcomed and encouraged to celebrate the season together!
Scarves for Amigos
Prayer Shawl Ministry Project
This December our Prayer Shawl Ministry took on a special project to create scarves for the day laborers who gather in de Vargas Park. Los Amigos Del Parque distributes breakfast every morning of the year to these men. They also distribute Christmas bags, which included our scarves this year.
Christmas Eve Services
Worship, Dec 24, 5pm & 8pm
VIDEO. Christmas Eve we have two services: 5:00pm Family Worship with the Chancel Bell Choir and Children’s activity and 8:00pm Traditional Worship with special Christmas music by Jan McDonald on the trumpet and carols by our Chancel Choir. Carol singing with organ and candles at both services.
Lessons and Carols
Worship, Dec 22
VIDEO. This Sunday, listen as Pastor Harry discusses how the voice of the prophet Micah rises today amid our lessons and carols assuring us that war need not have the last word, that the zip code for peace is Bethlehem. What in the world is God doing there? The scripture for the day is Micah 5:2-5a.
Luke Raffanti, Piano
TGIF, Dec 27, 5:30pm
We close out the holiday season with a deslightful concert by Luke Raffanti, who plays Chopin for us on the piano. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
God’s Love
Children Program, Dec 22, 8:30 & 11am
It’s the final Sunday of Advent. Christmas is just around the corner. God’s love incarnate is about to be born! In our lesson this week (Luke 1:39-45), we will explore love through the story of a pregnant Mary and Elizabeth meeting to celebrate their babies and God’s unwavering love.
Bregier and Wagner
TGIF, Dec 20, 5:30pm
This Friday our own Travis Bregier, baritone, and Debbie Wagner, piano, bring us lively Christmas season favorites at our Friday night concert. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Church Holiday Celebration
Holiday Party, Dec 22, 9:30am
You are invited to join our holiday celebration in the church lobby between services on Dec 22. Enjoy holiday treats and warm drinks, and fill the halls with Christmas carols. We will also be making farolitos and gingerbread houses, and you are welcome to join in that fun along with our young people.
Food, Friends, & Farolitos
Volunteers Needed
The Family Ministry team is looking for youth and families to help with the farolitio festivities. Many hands are needed to help make the farolitios during the holiday party on Dec 22 and to light and display them on Christmas Eve. Help us light the way for Christ. If you can help, contact Jen Black, our Family Ministry Director.
Ecumenical Posadas 2024
Procession, Cathedral Service, Dec 22
This year the Cathedral Basilica is hosting a worship service to observe Las Posadas. Please meet at the Cathedral’s Guadalupe Plaza at 12:15 pm for a prayer, followed by a short service in Crispin Hall, lunch, and our traditional gift exchange between the three downtown churches.
Advent Joy
Worship, Dec 15, 8:30 & 11 am
VIDEO. This Sunday, at our 11:00 service, our Chancel Choir and eSSO presents Gerald Finzi’s In terra pax, op.39, Christmas Scene. Scripture for the day is Zephaniah 3:14-20. At the 8:30 service, Pastor Harry gives a Sunday message on the scripture.
Is Christ Divided?
Adult Ed, Dec 15, 9:45am
VIDEO. This Sunday, Pastor Andrew continues a two part course, “Is Christ Divided? Making Sense of Christianity in America Today Through a Biblical, Historical and Theological Lens.” We will engage in how the life, teachings and witness of Bonhoeffer, King, Romero and Tutu faithfully addressed divided churches and divided nations.
Lovely in Pink
Children’s Program, Dec 15, 8:30 & 11am
This week’s Advent story from Luke 2:8-12, emphasizes is the grand announcement of the Messiah’s birth… to shepherds!? It is rather interesting to consider who it was that first heard the news—those considered lowly shepherds. After receiving a blessing in the worship service, the children leave for their activities.
SFWE Concert Dec 8, 10, 14, 15
We are proud to host the Santa Fe Women’s Ensemble’s concert and its beautiful variety of seasonal music. Sunday December 8, at 3 p.m., Tuesday December 10, at 6:30 p.m., Saturday December 14, at 3 p.m. and Sunday December 15, at 3 p.m. Light up your holiday season.
eSSO and Chancel Choir
TGIF, Dec 13, 5:30pm
We have a double treat this Friday when the eternal Summer Symphony Orchestra and our own Chancel Choir perform music by Bach and Finzi. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Behold, I am sending my messenger
Worship Dec 8, 8:30am & 11am
VIDEO. Four hundred years after Malachi, John the Baptist picks up on his message and prepares the way for Jesus. Why Malachi and why now? This Sunday, Pastor Harry continues our look at the prophets with Malachi 3:1-4.
Is Christ Divided?
Adult Ed, Dec 8, 9:45am
VIDEO. This Sunday, Pastor Andrew begins a two part course, “Is Christ Divided? Making Sense of Christianity in America Today Through a Biblical, Historical and Theological Lens.” He leads us to look critically at Scripture, John Calvin, our Presbyterian confessions to Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and the Rise of Nazi Germany.
Embodying Peace
Children’s Program, Dec 8, 8:30 & 11am
This Sunday we will read the story in Isaiah 11:1-9 as we light the candle of Peace. In a world with so many troubling situations, we have the children look to Isaiah to strengthen our faith. The children’s program begins in our worship service(s) at 10am. After receiving a blessing, the children leave for their activities.
A Poisoned Well Is Forever
PBM Breakfast, Dec 14, 9am
Saturday Dec 14, we welcome Mariel Nanasi, Executive Director and President of New Energy Economy. Mariel left an exciting law practice in Civil Rights, Criminal Law, and Internet Crimes to act as guardian of our energy economy in New Mexico and associated environmental impacts. Her work in this area is renowned.
Chancel Bell Choir
TGIF, Dec 6, 5:30pm
This Friday Travis Bregier directs our own Chancel Bell Choir in holiday favorites. Join us for this popular concert. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Angel Tree Giving
Dec 1-16, 9:30-11am
As done in years past, we are once again creating an Angel Tree to support children and families through the Santa Fe Youth Shelter. On December 1st, Family Ministry will host an Angel Tree table in the front lobby after the 10am service. Stop by the display in the lobby and find out how to be an Angel to a child in need.
Poinsettias for Christmas
Donate by Dec 20
During Christmas and New Year’s, we decorate our church with poinsettias. We invite members to contribute to the poinsettias funds if they so wish. You may pick up the flowers at the Sunday service on January 5 or leave them to be donated to people who are shut in this season.
You Deserve a Night Out Too!
Parents Night Out, Dec 6, 5:30-8pm
Need an evening without the kids? Our monthly Parents Night Out gives you the opportunity to take a well-deserved break. Go out for a night on the town, run errands, or have a few hours of self-care. Just drop off your children in Pope Hall at 5:30. An RSVP is required no later than Dec 5th.
The Days are Surely Coming
Worship, Dec 1, 10am
VIDEO. During Advent we will be hearing from the prophets Jeremiah, Malachi, Zephaniah, and Micah. They don’t always say what we want to hear but we need to hear what they have to say. This Sunday, Pastor Harry starts with Jeremiah 33:14-16. Join us at 10am in the sanctuary or via livestream.
A New Mexico Christmas Feast
Luncheon, Dec 1, 11:30
Our December First Sunday lunch will be our new tradition ( ’cause we did this last year) a New Mexico Christmas feast! We will have tamales, and posole, and taco salad, and vegetarian enchilidas. Please bring something to share. Your favorite enchiladas, dessert, a bag of chips!
A Season of Hope
Children’s Program, Dec 1, 10am
This Sunday we will read the story (Isaiah 2:2-4) as we light the candle of hope. In our lesson, we will create an advent wreath to guide us through the four weeks leading up to Christ’s birth. The children’s program begins in our worship service(s) at 10am. After receiving a blessing, the children leave for their activities.
Pilate’s Fifth Question
Worship, Nov 24, 8:30& 11am
VIDEO. Pilate’s fifth question posed to Jesus holds major implications for us today. Pastor Harry invites you to come and find out what it is and how the Gospel writer John answers it. Listen to the livestream video to see the sermon.
Election Conversation Continues
Adult Ed, Nov 24, 9:45am
Emotions are running high in this election season. Our Assistant Organist, David Solem, is also a Jungian Therapist and psychoanalyst, and and he led us in a conversation on the election on Nov 10th. This Sunday the election conversation continues. Please join us in the McFarland Chapel and on Zoom at 9:45am.
We Give Thanks!
Children’s Program, Nov 24, 8:30 & 11am
This weekend, we focus on the teachings of 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 as we prepare to give thanks this week for all of our blessings, realized or unrealized. The children’s program begins in our worship service(s) at 8:30 and 11am. After receiving a blessing, the children leave for their activities.
David Solem, Piano
TGIF, Nov 29, 5:30pm
At our concert this Friday our own David Solem plays music by Ravel, Talma, and Debussy. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Volunteers Needed to Cook, Serve
As most of you know, one of the largest local ministries we support is the Interfaith Community Shelter at Pete’s Place on Cerrillos Road. The deacons have been preparing and serving one meal a month, but the shelter has a great need for additional help, especially going into the fall and winter months.
Give Thanks: Give Back to Nature
Composting is the most sustainable way to handle food scraps. The Creation Care team and EarthKeepers 360 want to help you get started. Pick up free compost bags in the EarthKeepers 360 display case in the Church lobby. Deposit your compost bags in the compost bins found in the church basement. Show your appreciation for our earth by giving back to it.
Hopping on Snakes and Scorpions
Youth Retreat, ABQ, Nov 23-24
The Presbytery of Santa Fe invites youth from 6th grade through 12th grade to its Fall Youth Retreat at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, ABQ. The retreat runs from 9:30am on November 23 through 10:45am on November 24, with worship following at St. Andrew. The retreat is free, but youth must register.
High Desert Harps
TGIF, Nov 22, 5:30pm
Starting the season off right, the High Desert Harps delight us at our Friday night concert with Celtic Favorites for Christmas. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm, and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Turn the Other Cheek Also
Worship, Nov 17, 8:30 & 11am
VIDEO. Rev. Carolyn Raar leads us in looking at scripture Matthew 5:38-48. How did the hearers of the sermon on the mount understand Jesus’ teaching to “turn the other cheek” in their day How do we apply that teaching to our lives today? Bruce Goslin leads the 8:30 service.
Our Better Angels
Adult Ed, Nov 17, 9:45am
VIDEO. We continue our series on The Politics of Jesus, with Rev. Jim Brown leading us in a class titled, “Our Better Angels.” Addressing Americans, Lincoln dared to believe in “our better angels.” Who are these angels, then and now?
Called to Be a Leader
Children’s Program, Nov 17, 8:30 & 11am
This week we will read Judges 4:1-10 and learn about the prophet Deborah, a charismatic leader and the only female judge noted in the Bible. The children’s program begins in our worship service(s) at 8:30 and 11am. After receiving a blessing, the children leave for their activities.
A New Heaven and a New Earth
Worship, Nov 10, 8:30 & 11am
VIDEO. Pledge Sunday. Election aftermath. Imagining the future of the church and the world. Here in the second to last chapter of the Bible (Revelation 21:1-6a), we see the culmination of what God sees and hopes for the world. Pastor Harry asks us, What do you see and what are your hopes?
A Conversation about the Election
Adult Ed, Nov 10, 9:45am
Emotions are running high in this election season. Our Assistant Organist, David Solem, is also a Jungian Therapist and psychoanalyst, and will help us reflect upon the elections. Please join us in the McFarland Chapel and on Zoom at 9:45am for this important conversation.
Seasons Change
Children’s Program, Nov 10, 8:30 & 11am
This week we will read Ecclesiastes 3:1-11, and explore our ever changing seasons and how God remains steadfast. The children’s program begins in our worship service(s) at 8:30 and 11am. After receiving a blessing, the children leave for their activities.
Navigating Paths of Change
Ghost Ranch Workshop, Nov 18-23
Change is inevitable in everyone’s life journey, some transitions more difficult than others. Navigating through those paths of change is the focus of this 5-day workshop, “Navigating Paths of Change on Life’s Journey” led by spiritual director Jeannie Bowman.
All Saints Day
Worship, Nov 3, 10am
VIDEO. As is our tradition, our All Saints’ Day worship service is devoted to remembering those loved ones who have passed away since the last All Saints’ Day. This year, our choir sings Lux Aeterna by Morten Lauridsen throughout the service. During the final hymn “For All the Saints,” the names of those to be remembered will be read between verses.
The Great Cloud of Witnesses
Children’s Program, Nov 3, 10am
This Sunday is All Saints Day, and we will be teaching the children about the great cloud of witnesses of those who have gone before us and how their past lives can encourage and shape our lives. After receiving a blessing in the worship service, the children leave to do their activities.
First Sunday Luncheon
Nov 3, 11:30, Pope Hall
Our First Sunday Lunch on November 3rd will be Remembrance and Thanksgiving. Fun, Food & Fellowship will be serving roasted turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy and a winter salad. Please bring your favorite side or dessert to share. Please bring your recipe too. We are collecting favorite recipes for a church cookbook.
Frederick Frahm, Organ
TGIF, Nov 15, 5:30pm
At our Friday night concert, we welcome Frederick Frahm on the organ, playing his Three Pieces after Art, and his and Huw Morgan’s Calendarmusic. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm, and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Sin Nombre and Black Mesa
TGIF, Nov 8, 5:30pm
Start your weekend with an energizing brass concert by the Sin Nombre and the Black Mesa Brass Ensembles at our Friday night concert. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm, and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Black Mesa Brass Ensemble
TGIF, Nov 1, 5:30pm
The Black Mesa Brass Ensemble play an electic mix of music at our Friday TGIF concert. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm, and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Vocational Rehabilitation
PBM Breakfast, Nov 9, 9am
Saturday November 9, 2024, 9:00 -10:00 AM Prepared by Men’s Breakfast presents: “Vocational Rehabilitation: Meaningful Employment for Every New Mexican.” Our guest speaker Jeff Levine is Public Relations, Communications, and Legislative Coordinator, New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.
Save Your Anger
Adult Ed, Oct 27, 9:45am
VIDEO TO COME. This Sunday we continue our series on The Politics of Jesus, with Rev. Dr. Mary Kuhns leading us in a class titled, “Save Your Anger for the Mistreatment of Others.” In Mark 1:40-45, we hear the story of a man Jesus cured from leprosy who then disobeyed Jesus, of course! What does this say to us?
God Is My Refuge
Children’s Program, Oct 20, 8:30 & 11am
We will read Psalm 91:1-16, God is my refuge. These verses remind us that God offers protection and safety to all those who place their trust in Jesus. We explore with the children ways that our family, community and God offer us places of safety and refuge.
Hurricane Helene Relief
Peace Offering, Oct 2024
You can still make a contribution to the PC(USA) Peace & Global Witness program. This year, the PC(USA) portion will offer relief to the people affected by Hurricane Helene, and the portion our church retains will be sent to a Presbyterian Church in Asheville NC for Helene relief for their community.
TGIF, Oct 25, 5:30pm
We welcome the eternal Summer Symphony Orchestra this Friday as they start our weekend with music by Vivaldi and Boccherini. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
It’s Our Turn Now
Worship, Oct 20, 8:30 & 11am
Jesus sends out seventy followers ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he intended to go (Luke 10:1-12). Up until now, Jesus went first. Then he sent them out on their own. Pastor Harry suggests, “Now, it’s our turn.”
Expose the Workings of Oppression
Adult Ed, Oct 20, 9:45am
This Sunday we continue our series on The Politics of Jesus, with Rev. Carolyn Raar leading us in a class titled, “Expose the Workings of Oppression. We will discuss the story of the vineyard workers who were paid the same for different hours of work (Matthew 20:1-16).
Learning to Be a Helper
Children’s Program, Oct 20, 8:30 & 11am
Children who grow up being invited to help other and learning to work together develop important life skills. The children will learn the story of Boaz, Ruth, and Naomi, which is rich with examples of this type of help and kindness.
Celtic Healing Service Tonight
Worship, Nov 3, 5:30pm
Pastor Harry calls on us to be the church today. Many in our congregation are anxious, fearful, and distressed today. He reminds us that we have arms to hold those who are fearful and vulnerable today. Join us at 5:30pm in the sanctuary or on Zoom for a Celtic Healing Service.
They Seized Him
Worship, Oct 13, 8:30 & 11am
VIDEO. Trauma? It’s everywhere, including Scripture. What does the story of Peter denying Jesus after his arrest tell us about trauma, our own and society’s? Focusing on Luke 22:54-65, Pastor Harry asks us to look closely at trauma all around us.
Trauma in Our Lives Today
Adult Ed, Oct 13, 9:45am
VIDEO.Victor Nelson leads a class on trauma, considering the election that is upon us. He is a retired Lutheran pastor, marriage and family therapist, church and non-profit consultant, mediator, and author of two books. A resident of Santa Fe, Victor is also active in the Interfaith Leadership Alliance.
Blessing of the Animals
During Oct 13 11am Worship
In celebration of St. Francis, we open our doors at both services Sunday, October 13, to animals of every kind. We will bless them all, fuzzy, furry, and feathered, with great gratitude for the blessings of love and companionship they give to us.
God Cares for His Creation
Children’s Program, Oct 13, 8:30 & 11am
This Sunday we will be blessing the animals. We will talk with the children about some of the important passages in the bible that describes God’s love for animals and the special blessings he gives them.
Dance as a Way to Balance
PBM Breakfast, Oct 12, 9am
This Saturday, Prepared by Men’s Breakfast presents “Dance as a Way to Balance.” Guest speaker, Ana Bee Gonzales, has danced since early childhood with free flow movement and will share her journey discovering the Ecstatic Dance practice and facilitating and musically arranging for a local group known as Embody-Dance.
There Is a Boy Here
Worship, Oct 6, 10am
The feeding of the multitudes shws up in the Gospels six times, way more than any other, and obviously makes this a story we are not to forget or ignore. John’s gospel (John 6:1-15) adds a boy to the story who has five barley loaves and two fish. Pastor Harry suggests, Let’s welcome the boy and see what he has to show us.
Sowing Seeds of Peace
Peace Offering, Oct 6
Your donation to the PC(USA) Peace & Global Witness program enables the church to promote the peace of Christ by addressing systems of injustice here and around the world. This Sunday consider giving generously to help sow the seeds of peace.
Service Sunday
Children’s Program, Begins in worship service
On this Service Sunday, we will embrace the changing of the seasons and create pumpkin flower pots to bring fall colors into the home and brighten the spirit of our homebound members. The children’s program begins in the worship service. After receiving a blessing, the children leave for their activities.
Eric Fricke, Organ
TGIF, Oct 18, 5:30pm
This Friday, Eric Fricke brings us “Elegy for Asheville and Celebration of Community,” a short program of music honoring those affected by Hurricane Helene and the resilience of loving communities. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
The Things That Make for Peace
Westminster, Weds in Oct, 10:30am
As we approach the end of the campaign season, many of us may be feeling ill-at-ease and somewhat nervous. No matter the outcome in November, we all want peace. In that light, Westminster Presbyterian Church has scheduled a five-session Forum for Peace entitled “The Things That Make For Peace.”
Sam Jacobs, Piano
TGIF, Oct 11, 5:30pm
Begin your weekend with our Friday night concert. This Friday we welcome Sam Jacobs who will play Bach and Mozart for us. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
David Solem, Piano
TGIF, Oct 4, 5:30pm
At our concert this Friday our own David Solem enchants us with Poems by the Sea and Sonata by Ernest Bloch. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Give a Voice to the Voiceless
Worship, Sep 29, 8:30 & 11am
VIDEO. Jesus cleanses the temple a few days before he was crucified (Mark 11:15-19). It was not a temper tantrum but a carefully planned demonstration. Pastor Harry asks us to explore: What is he doing here, why did he do it, and what might it mean for us today?
The Lord’s Prayer
Children’s Program, Sep 29, 8:30 & 11am
This Sunday, we will talk with the children about prayer, the topic Pastor Harry covered in his Sunday message last week. We talk about why we pray and how God answers. In the next few weeks, we will learn a few new prayers.
Sunday Children’s Blessing
Invitation to Reawakening
Every Sunday, we have a special moment in the service where our children and youth offer and receive a blessing with the congregation. This blessing comes from John Philip Newell (born 1953), a Celtic teacher and author who calls the modern world to reawaken to the sacredness of Earth and every human being.
Prayer Shawl Group: Join Us
1st & 3rd Tuesdays, Rendon Room
The Prayer Shawl group invites knitters and crocheters to join them in creating shawls that are blessed by prayers of healing and peace. The group gathers twice a month to knit and crochet and to bless shawls that have been finished. Interested in joining? Contact Tillie Perkins.
Bryan Hutchinson, Piano
TGIF, Sep 27, 5:30pm
Friday we welcome Bryan Hutchinson who will be playing Black Earth, a contemporary piano piece by Turkish pianist, Fazil Say. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
You Deserve a Night Out Too!
Parents Night Out, Oct 4, 5:30-8pm
Need an evening without the kids? Our monthly Parents Night Out gives you the opportunity to take a well-deserved break. The first Friday of the month, just drop off your children in Pope Hall on October 4th from 5:30-8pm. An RSVP is required, so be sure to register before October 3rd.
Pray then in this way
Worship, Sep 22, 8:30 & 11 am
VIDEO. Tell me again how prayer works and what we are supposed to do with it? And does it work the way we hope it will? Let’s hear what Jesus says as we look closely at the Lord’s Prayer. Pastor Harry leads us in an exploration of the Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:9-13).
Treat the People’s Needs as Holy
Adult Ed, Sep 22, 9:45am
This Sunday we continue our series on The Politics of Jesus, with Rev. San Williams leading us in a discussion of the Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) as a revolutionary prayer and a guide to what Jesus believed and what he asks us to do.
God Makes a Promise
Children’s Program, Sep 22, 8:30 & 11am
This Sunday, we will learn about the grace of God, and God’s promise to us. Everything God created was good, but then the people became unhappy, angry, or hungry. So God made a fresh start with them and keeps his promise.
Friday Bible Study
Fridays, 11-Noon
This weekly Bible Study led by Pastor Harry looks at the Scripture for the upcoming Sunday worship. We go deep into scripture, share how it applies to our lives today, and help inform Sunday’s sermon. Join us from 11:00-noon in the Rendon Room or via Zoom.
FPC Chancel Choir
TGIF, Sep 20, 5:30pm
Our own Chancel Choir performs Lux Aeterna by Morten Lauridsen at this Friday’s TGIF Concert. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
First Sermon
Worship, Sep 15, 8:30 & 11am
VIDEO. We kick-off the new program year with Jesus’ first sermon (Luke 4:16-29). It has all the ingredients of being a great one: applicable to today’s world, reliant on scripture, and thought-provoking. Pastor Harry asks… Then why did these first listeners lead Jesus to the edge of town and try to hurl him off the cliff?
Roots of Jesus’ Political Consciousness
Adult Ed, Sep 15, 9:45am
Do politics and Jesus belong in the same sentence? Are his teachings about real life issues or spiritual journeys? Does Jesus sing best in protest songs or Christmas carols? In this first class in our series on The Politics of Jesus, we look at Jesus’ roots and the world into which he was born.
The Shield of Faith
Children’s Program, Sep 15, 8:30 & 11am
This Sunday, we will read Ephesians 6 and learn how the shield of faith moves to cover our doubts and struggles. We will be remembering the life, faith, and service of Barb Hutchinson this Sunday as we create tin art ornaments.
Join Our Peace Talks
Sep 11, 6-7:30pm, Iconik Red
Pastor Harry, who serves on the Board of Nonviolent Santa Fe, invites you to Iconik Red on Cerillos Road at 6:00 on September 11th for coffee, conversation, and music by David Berkeley. Engage in conversations to help inspire hope and a more peaceful Santa Fe.
Martos and Ditlow
TGIF, Sep 13, 5:30pm
For this Friday’s concert, we welcome Christina Martos, lyric soprano, and Kristin Ditlow, piano. We hope you can join us for an evening of lovely music by these talented artists. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
The Once and Future Church
PBM Breakfast, Sep 14, 9am
This month’s Prepared by Men’s Breakfast features Pastor Harry on “The Once and Future Church.” Over the years and into the future the challenges the church faces has been a variegated panoply of good and bad experiences. Harry will explore the ups and downs and highs and lows of our church past, present, and future.
FPC Day at the Ballpark
Family Outing, Sep 15, 1:35pm
Join us after church Sunday, September 15th, for our final Family Ministry Day at 1:35pm at Isotopes Park when the Isotopes play the Las Vegas Aviators. The Isotopes are celebrating with mariachis and a jersey give away. Gates open at 12:30. Tickets are selling fast. Reserve yours now.
The Closet Shelf
Worship, Sep 8, 10am
VIDEO. The disciples were overheard arguing who was the greatest among them (Mark 9:30-37). Jesus puts a child among them and teaches us how we should treat children. Pastor Harry notes that it appears we have a lot to learn. Join us at 10:00 in the sanctuary and via livestream.
God’s Glorious Creation
Children’s Program, Sep 8, 10am
This Sunday, we will learn about the Creation Story and our role as God’s stewards (Genesis 1-3). We will talk with the children about how God created the world and then rested, and what this means in our lives. The children’s program begins in the 10am worship service in the sanctuary.
Great Prizes, Great Cause
Raffle Tickets to Support Pete’s Place
Interfaith Community Shelter at Pete’s Place is one of our church’s primary missions, and will be supported by the annual Chefscapades Fundraiser Dinner on September 4th at La Fonda Hotel. For those of you who cannot attend, the Shelter’s Board is offering raffle tickets for three exciting gifts.
On the Way to Caesarea Philippi
Worship, Sep 1, 10am
VIDEO. Halfway through the Gospel of Mark (Mark 8:27-38), Jesus leads his disciples into Gentile territory, once again, and asks, “Who do people say that I am?” That’s the easy question. The harder question is who do you think Jesus is? Pastor Harry warns us, it’s a harder question than you think.
Brown Bag Lunches for the Homeless
Children’s Program, Sep 1, 10am
On this Service Sunday will be making sandwiches and assembling sack lunches for the homeless. The children’s program begins in our 10am service. After receiving a blessing, the children leave for their activities.
Open or Locked?
Congregational Gathering, Sep 1, 11:30am
We are a church that prides itself on being open and welcoming to all as Christ would have us do. Last year, FPC held an “active shooter” training with the Santa Fe Police Department. A number of recommendations were made about security on a Sunday morning, one of them being that we lock the front doors shortly after the service in the Sanctuary commences. Our ushers and the Session are concerned that this is counter to our all are welcome message. To broaden this conversation, Pastor Harry is asking that you remain in the Sanctuary until the Postlude concludes, to share your thoughts with us.
Fresh Mint and Jellies
Youth Fundraiser, Sep 1, 9:30-11:30, Lobby
Come visit the Family Ministry Farm Stand on the first Sunday of the Month, where we will sell fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and homemade jams and jellies. All proceeds will benefit our youth and family ministry programs. This month we will feature fresh mint and homemade mint jelly, apple mint jelly, and apple jalapeño mint jelly.
Sin Nombre Brass Ensemble
TGIF, Aug 30, 5:30pm
Start your weekend with an energizing brass concert by the Sin Nombre Brass Ensemble at our Friday night concert. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm, and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
What’s This Life About
Worship, Aug 25, 8:30 & 11am
VIDEO. Pastor Andrew leads us in worship this Sunday with his message, “”What’s This Life About: A View From the Mountaintop.” He reflects on how the monastery and game of baseball reminded him of what a faithful life and true discipleship are all about. This sermon will comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
Delving into the Sermon on the Mount
Adult Ed, Aug 25, 9:45am
In our adult education class, we continue with our Bible Summer series as we delve into the Sermon on the Mountain—The Greatest Collection of Jesus’ teachings. Pastor Andrew leads us in looking at at the core of Jesus teachings in this sermon and what they mean for our lives today.
Lessons from the Mountaintop
Children’s Program, Aug 25, 8:30 and 11am
“Don’t Worry, Be Happy Now.” This Sunday we will continue a series on Jesus’ teachings from the sermon on the mount as we look at the Matthew 6:25-33. We will look at what kids worry about and how God wants us to look at things. There will be Sunday school at both services and activities between services.
Parents Group
Coffee Hour, Aug 25, 9:30am
Join us this Sunday in the youth room after the 8:30am service for a coffee hour. We will use this time to get to know one another and to discuss potential events, activities ,and program ideas for our children and youth.
War’s on Ukrainian Families
Presentation, Aug 22, 5:30pm
The Rotary club of Santa Fe Centro invites you to a presentation by Andrea Esty of the organization Ukrainian Children who will share the devastating impact on Ukrainian families resulting from Russian aggression and some corrective actions that can assist them in this critical time of need.
Gun Violence Prevention Summit
Ghost Ranch, Aug 22-25
Concerned about gun violence in America? Want to meet others across the country who are involved in efforts to curb gun violence and bring healing to those who are its victims? Then please consider coming to Ghost Ranch August 22-25, 2024, for the inaugural gathering of the James Atwood Institute for Congregational Courage.
Soul Food and Gospel Music
Santa Fe Soul Fest, Aug 24 & 25
Santa Fe Soul Festival energizes us once again with their fifth annual Soul Festival. They begin on Saturday August 24th with a Soul Food Panel Discussion at 3:00 in our Pope Hall (free, reservations required). Sunday the 25th at 4:00 brings us An Afternoon of Gospel Music, Song & Dance at the St. Francis Auditorium.
TGIF, Aug 23, 5:30pm
We welcome the eternal Summer Symphony Orchestra this Friday as they start our weekend with music by Mozart. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
David Solem, Piano
TGIF, Sep 6, 5:30pm
This Friday our own David Solem brings us Visions and Prophecies by Bloch and Roman Sketches, opus 7 by Griffes. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Rooftop Garden Harvest
Psalm 65 : “You care for the land and water it; you enrich it abundantly. Streams are filled with water and our baskets overflow…”
This year our rooftop garden has yielded quite the crop of tomatoes!!
Worship, Aug 18, 8:30 & 11am
VIDEO. This Aramaic word, the language of Jesus, means “be opened,” as Jesus’s continues his healing ministry, this time with a deaf man. What if we were “opened” and what might the world sound like if we were? The scripture for Pastor Harry’s message is Mark 7:31-37.
Do We Truly Hear?
Adult Ed, Aug 18, 9:45am
Jesus doesn’t heal people in the same way. In Mark 7:31-37, when a man with a speech impediment is brought to him, he takes him away in private, then does a number of things to bring sound back into the man’s world. Pastor Harry asks us to look at healing today and all that it might mean for us to truly hear.
Morning Walk
Worship, Aug 11, 8:30 & 11am
VIDEO. Perhaps the strangest morning walk ever. But Jesus did it for a very good reason and this Sunday we discuss what it is and why it matters. And yes, it matters. Pastor Harry’s message Sunday is based on Mark 6:45-52.
Two Walks
Adult Ed, Aug 11, 9:45am
VIDEO. Two walks—Camino on land, Jesus on water. Walking is one of the great spiritual exercises. Pastor Harry and Jenny Harland will share their experiences on the Camino in Northern Spain in late May of this year. We’ll add Jesus’ famous walk on water in Mark 6:45-52.
Farewell Luncheon for Gale & CC
Sunday, Aug 18, noon, Pope Hall
Fun, Food and Fellowship invites you to a lunch on August 11th, after the 11 am service. We are saying farewell to our friends Gale and CC Wright who are moving to Seattle. If you would like to contribute to this lunch, please make it a dessert! Hope you can make it.
Color Vision Glasses
Worship, Aug 4, 10am
VIDEO. By now in the book of Mark there is great excitement and confusion over who Jesus really is, and it remains to this day. When you look at Jesus, who do you see? We continue our look at Mark with the scripture Mark 6:14-16. Join us at 10am in the sanctuary and via livestream.
Ashlyn Brown, Mezzo Soprano
Opera Apprentice, Aug 4, 11am
Ashlyn Brown, mezzo soprano, returns this Sunday to sing at our 10am worship service, as we continue our summer opera apprentice program. Ashlyn is performing in four of the operas featured by the Santa Fe Opera this summer.
Organ Academy Participants
TGIF, Aug 2, 5:30pm
Our Friday concert this week features the Participants’ Recital for the Santa Fe Summer Organ Academy. Come enjoy the music of these talented organists. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm, and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Our Turn Now
Worship, Jul 28, 8:30 & 11am
VIDEO. So far in our four-week journey through Mark, we have watched Jesus calm a storm, cast off Empire, respond to a hemorrhaging woman, and lift up a little girl all but dead. Now it’s our turn. No longer spectators, we have things to do. Pastor Harry calls us to see ourselves in Mark 6:1-13.
Ashlyn Brown, Mezzo Soprano
Opera Apprentice, Jul 28, 11am
This Sunday, Ashlyn Brown, mezzo soprano, enhances our 11am worship service, as we continue our summer opera apprentice program. Ashlyn is performing in four of the operas featured by the Santa Fe Opera this summer. We warmly welcome her.
Now It’s Your Turn
Adult Ed, Jul 28, 9:45am
It was no homecoming. The people Jesus knew so well took offense at him, so he moves on, gathers the Twelve and gives them the authority to do ministry in his name. Find out what they did, and what we are called to do today. Join Pastor Harry as we look closely at Mark 6:1-13 in our Bible Summer series.
Lessons from the Mountaintop
Children’s Program, Jul 28, 8:30am
This Sunday we will begin a series focused on Jesus’ teachings found in Matthew 5-7. Jesus preached many wonderful lessons in the Sermon on the Mount. The first part of the sermon is referred to as the “beatitudes. The children’s program begins in our 8:30am service on the rooftop. After receiving a blessing, the children leave for their activities.
Knowing Jesus Series
Children’s Program, Jul 14, 8:30am
This Sunday we continue with the Knowing Jesus series, where we examine various Bible stories that help us get to know Jesus and see him in our daily lives. The children’s program begins in our 8:30am service on the rooftop.
Kimberly Marshall, Organ
TGIF, Jul 26, 5:30pm
This Friday’s concert features the talented organist Kimberly Marshall playing “Musical Translations from the Past.” Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm, and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Take Me Out to the Ballpark
Family Outing, Jul 27, 6:35pm
Join us at Isotopes Park for a day full of fun, family, and food! Watch the Isotopes vs Round Rock Express on Saturday, July 27th, 6:35pm game time. Gates open at 5:30. Ask for Section 117; seats will be in the shade.
Piano Concert to Support NMPGV
Sat, Aug 10, 2pm
We welcome Lauryn Bomse in a solo piano concert to benefit New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence, on Saturday, August 10th at 2pm in our sanctuary. The suggested donation is $20, with children under 18 free. We hope you will come and support this important cause.
Prayers for Ruidoso
Donate Through Our Synod
Please keep our siblings in Christ in Ruidoso, NM, in your prayers as they deal with devastating fires. The two fires in that area have burned more than 25,000 acres across private, public and tribal lands. Please consider making a donation to support the Ruidoso community.
Tales of the Southwest
Reunity Farms, Sundays, Jul 14-Aug4
The legendary storyteller Joe Hayes returns to Reunity Farm again this year, in a series of storytelling evenings FREE for ALL ages! Join us at Reunity Farms for the remaining evenings on July 28 and August 4th from 7:00- 8:00pm. Pack a picnic or purchase snacks at the farms stand, bring your own chairs, and dress for the weather!
Jesus Took Her by the Hand
Worship, Jul 21
VIDEO. Last Sunday it was a woman healed of her hemorrhaging. Now it’s raising a little girl from the dead. Jesus is making his way through a society coming apart at the seams and offering life. How might we experience God’s life-giving presence in our day? The day’s scripture is Mark 5:35-43.
Marcus and Light
TGIF, Aug 16, 5:30pm
Robert Marcus, clarinet and Edwin Light, piano, will once again delight us at our Friday concert with music by Dvorak, Milhaud, and Poulnec. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm, and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Andrew Paulson, Baritone
TGIF, Aug 9, 5:30pm
This Friday, we welcome Andrew Paulson, baritone, accompanied by Richard Bentley on the piano. They will perform music by Henri Duparc, Guiseppe Martucci, Richard Wagner & Samuel Barber. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm, and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Luke Harnish, Bass-Baritone
Opera Apprentice, Aug 18, 11am
This Sunday we welcome Luke Harnish, bass-baritone, as he sings for us at our 11am worship service. This continues our summer opera apprentice program. Luke is performing in three of the operas featured by the Santa Fe Opera this summer.
Natasha Gesto, Lyric Soprano
Opera Apprentice, Jul 21, 11am
This Sunday, Natasha Gesto, lyric soprano, sings for us at our 11am worship service, as we continue our summer opera apprentice program. Natasha is performing in four of the operas featured by the Santa Fe Opera this summer. We welcome her beautiful addition to our service.
News from the General Assembly
Adult Ed, Jul 21, 9:45am
Drew Hill reflects on his experience as commissioner to the 226th General Assembly this year in Salt Lake City. Come and hear his insights on the process and the decisions made by the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Knowing Jesus Series
Children’s Program, Jul 21, 8:30am
This Sunday we will read Luke 5:1–11, 27–28; 8:1–3. In these passages, Jesus calls his disciples. Jesus called ordinary people to be disciples, to follow him, to learn from him, and to serve others in ways that Jesus demonstrated in his own life. The children’s program begins in our 8:30am service on the rooftop.
André García-Nuthmann, Tenor
TGIF, Jul 19, 5:30pm
Start your weekend with beautiful tenor favorites sung by André García-Nuthmann, with Natasha Stojanoska accompanying him on the piano, at our Friday TGIF concert on July 19th. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm, and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
A Woman Tells the Whole Truth
Worship, Jul 14, 8:30 & 11am
VIDEO. A woman suffering for twelve years is healed by touching Jesus’ cloak and by telling him the whole truth (Mark 5:25-34). Pastor Harry poses the question: How might this story of touch and truth bring healing to us and the nation?
This Is My/Your Story
Adult Ed, Jul 14, 9:45am
Jesus is healing people, even a desperate woman who touches his cloak (Mark 5:25-34). How might this story help us better understand healing in our own lives and the world? Pastor Harry leads us in a discussion of some ideas found in the Gospel of Mark.
Knowing Jesus Series
Children’s Program, Jul 14, 8:30am
This Sunday we continue with the Knowing Jesus series with the story from Mark 1:9-15, when Jesus goes into the wilderness to prepare himself for his future ministry. The children’s program begins in our 8:30am service on the rooftop.
Family Day at O’Keefe Museum
Sun, Jul 14, 10:30-2:30
Join us at the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum for a day of family fun while exploring O’Keefe’s love of gardening. The day is inspired by the book Gifts from Georgia’s Garden: How Georgia O’Keeffe Nourished Her Art written by Lisa Robinson and illustrated by Hadley Hooper.
They came to the other side of the sea
Worship, Jul 7, 10am
VIDEO. We continue the story from last Sunday (Mark 5:1-13) when Jesus and his disciples reach the “other side” of the Sea of Galilee. It is a foreign, dangerous, and hostile land, and a man with an unclean spirit is running among the tombs for he had wreched off his chains. Pastor Harry invites us to come and see how Jesus brings healing to the man and the land.
Sam Dhobhany, Bass-Baritone
Opera Apprentice, Jul 7, 10am
Our summer opera apprentice program begins with Sam Dhobhany, bass-baritone, singing at our worship service this Sunday, July 7th, 10am. Sam is performing in the Santa Fe Opera’s The Righteous and La Traviata. We welcome his enrichment of our service.
Knowing Jesus Series
Children’s Program, Jun 30, 10am
This Sunday we will read Mark 1:1–15 and explore the next stage of Jesus’ life, his baptism. The children’s program begins in our 10am service in the sanctuary. After receiving a blessing, the children leave for their activities.
Family Ministry Farm Stand
Youth Fundraiser, Jul 7, 9:30-11:30, Lobby
Come visit the Family Ministry Farm Stand on the first Sunday of the Month, where we will sell fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and homemade jams and jellies. All proceeds will benefit our youth and family ministry programs. This month we will feature fresh mint and homemade mint jelly, apple mint jelly, and apple jalapeño mint jelly.
Listening for the Holy Spirit’s Voice
Midsummer Group Forming
How is your spiritual practice going? Last April on Good Shepherd Sunday, the message challenged us to spend at least 30 minutes a day in listening for the Shepherd’s voice. We are forming a group for those who would like to practice doing just that. The group will meet in the Rendon Room from noon-1:00 on the last Wednesday in June and the five Wednesdays in July.
Kehar Koslowsky, Mezzo Soprano
TGIF, Jul 5, 5:30pm
Kehar Koslowsky, mezzo soprano, and Debbie Wagner, piano, bring us the music of Copland, Dillard, Gordon, Arlen, Guettel and Brown at our Friday TGIF concert on July 5th. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Let us go to the other side
Worship, Jun 30, 8:30 & 11am
VIDEO. The sea is raging. The disciples are scared to death. Jesus is asleep on a pillow in the back of the boat. How might this scene in Mark 4:35-41 address the fear and anxiety we feel today? Explore that thought with Pastor Harry this Sunday.
Our Stormy Seas
Adult Ed, Jun 30, 9:45am
Join us most Sundays this summer for conversation and insights as we look more closely at the day’s scripture in our Bible Summer series led by Pastor Harry. Jesus is asleep in the back of the boat during a raging storm. What is this storm all about? What is on the other side? Why is Jesus sleeping? How might Jesus still our own storms?
Pride Parade 2024
Sat, Jun 29, 10:30am
As an inclusive congregation, FPC will again join the Santa Fe Gay Pride Parade on Saturday, June 29th. The parade leaves the Lamy building at 10:30am and ends at the Plaza, which will be packed with lively entertainment. Judy and Dick Crawford will check our group in, so meet them at 10am at the Lamy Building parking lot across from the Capitol. Look for FPC banners. All are welcome!
Give Him a Shot!
Photo Sessions, Jun 29 & 30, Rendon
Many of you have responded to our request for photos for our much needed photo directory, but we are still missing some of you. Keith Kirby has graciously volunteered to take photos on Saturday, June 29th, from 10-12am and on Sunday, June 30th, from 8am to 1pm in the Rendon Room. We want your photo in the directory, so give Keith a shot at getting one.
One World by Cora Bixby
Article on Border Trip
“My eyes fluttered open from my hour-long nap, not quite registering where we were or how much distance we covered.” So begins Cora Bixby’s article where she brings to life her experiences on our springtime youth mission trip to the US/Mexico border (NM PBS New Mexico In Focus, June 25, 2024). We urge you to read her full article.
May We Plant a Thousand Seeds
Worship, Jun 23, 8:30 & 11am
VIDEO. Let’s begin to plant the Parable of the Mustard Seed in the world! These tiny seeds will be given out during worship and our job will be to cultivate and name them as our hope for coming generations. Pastor Harry challenges us with the questinon: What seed will you plant? The scripture for the day is Mark 4:26-34.
Parable of the Mustard Seed
Adult Ed, Jun 23, 9:45am
This well-known but brief parable (Mark 4:26-34) has major implications for our world and our souls. Pastor Harry urges us to probe deeper into how the smallest of seeds grows into the wild, not-to-be-tamed, radical, revolutionary life-force that Jesus talks about throughout his ministry.
Knowing Jesus Series
Children’s Program, Jun 23, 8:30am
During the month of June we will examine various Bible stories that help us get to know Jesus and see him in our daily lives. Two weeks ago, we revisited the birth story of Jesus. This Sunday we will examine the question: What do you think Jesus was like when he was a child? The children’s program begins in our 8:30am service on the rooftop.
Youth Week 2024
Ghost Ranch, Jun 23-28
“Layers of Faith Layering Your Faith” is the theme for this year’s Youth Week, which will be held at Ghost Ranch, June 23-28. If you are interested in attending this activity-packed week or are registered and have questions, contact Jen Black, Director of Family Ministry.
Sabbath as Life Abundant
Ghost Ranch Retreat, Jun 24-29
Suffering is real and perennial, but so is soul and body nourishing love and connection! Ghost Ranch invites you to a retreat with Rev. Anita Amstutz to experience how Sabbath can come alive as we share together, re-filling the wells of our souls with Living Water—alongside the “slow heartbeat” of nature.
Kiyoshi Tamagawa, Piano
TGIF, Jun 21, 5:30pm
Our concert this Friday features the world reknown pianist, Kiyoshi Tamagawa playing “Love Triangle” music by the Schumanns and Brahms. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Luncheon Hiatus
First Sundays
Our hard-working Fun Food and Fellowship folks are taking a much needed rest this summer—taking trips and kicking back. So our First Sunday luncheons will be going on a hiatus for a few months. In September, they will return with plenty of creative and yummy entrees and desserts. We wish them a lovely, restful summer.
Busy Summer Schedule Begins
Building Bustling with Activities
June 19th kicked off our summer calendar with 20 students from the Georgia O’Keefe Art & Leadership program meeting in Pope Hall A for the 6 weeks. Mid-July through mid-August the Chamber Music Festival will be rehearsing most days in Pope Hall C. All our activities continue but some in a few different locations.
The Spirit of Juneteenth Fathers
Worship, Jun 16, 10am
VIDEO. Rev. Jeff Morgan delivers our Sunday message, “The Spirit of Juneteenth Fathers Then and Now” at our service celebrating Juneteenth in Federal Park. His wife Toni Morgan leads the singing in an African American style worship service, with Malachi Roberts playing the drums. The service is followed by a picnic with Deollo Johnson leading us in line dancing.
Juneteenth Picnic in the Park
Sunday, Jun 16, 10am-1pm
An African American Church style service followed by a line dance party and refreshments is a perfect way to celebrate freedom and acknowledges the history of Black Americans. Specifically, it notes June 19th, 1865, the day that news of the Emancipation Proclamation reached enslaved people in Galveston, Texas, nearly three years after the proclamation was issued.
Classical Sound Santa Fe
Free Public Concert, Jun 16, 4pm
Classical Sound of Central Texas performs in our sanctuary on June 16th. The Artisan Piano Quartet will delight the audience with fabulous piano quartets by Mozart and Robert Schumann. Mozart’s famous melody is sure to amuse you. Doors open to this free concert at 3:30pm.
Baked Goods, Volunteers Needed
Youth Fundraisers, Jul & Aug
This year, our youth will hold several fundraisers to help raise money for the Children, Youth and Family Ministry programs. Our first fundraisers will be a hospitality and refreshment table on the church patio during Spanish Market and Indian Market. We need your help.
Coming Together as One
Worship, Jun 9, 8:30 & 11am
VIDEO. Paul instructed the Corinthians to break down barriers and come together, using the metaphor of “we are all one body” to teach the concept of community. So how do we do that—really. Janis Chitwood helps us try to sort that out. (Scripture: I Corinthians 12:14-26)
Visiting Boys Choir
Jun 9 Worship, 11am
The Fort Bend Boys Choir of Texas are singing at our 11:00 worship service on June 9th. We are honored that this award-winning choir, directed by William R. Adams, has made our sanctuary a stop on their New Mexico performance tour. Through this Friday, you can watch our full service on our livestream page.
Our Cuba Partnership
Adult Ed, Jun 9, 9:45am
VIDEO. This Sunday Bill Eklund reports on our most recent February visit to our sister church in Cuba, Sagua La Grande. A small group took donated supplies and funds and enjoyed the hospitality of our siblings in Christ. View the video to see lots of photos and hear the stories.
Knowing Jesus Series
Children’s Program, Jun 9, 8:30am
During the month of June we will examine various Bible stories that help us get to know Jesus and see him in our daily lives. This Sunday we will examine the question: What do you think Jesus was like when he was a child? We are going to learn about Jesus’ life when he was a boy.
Ice Cream Sundae Social
Celebration, Jun 9, 9:30am
This Sunday celebrate the coming of warm weather with an ice cream social. Between the 8:30 and 11:00 services we will be serving ice cream on the triangle in front of our sanctuary. Everyone from both services is welcome to come and enjoy the cool, sweet treat and the warmth of sunshine and fellowship.
Together Again!
Concert, Jun 9, 2pm
The Santa Fe Women’s Ensemble joins the Durango Women’s Choir for the fourth time in Together Again! The concert features performances, singly and jointly, exploring the breadth of music written for women’s voices. No tickets needed. They are asking for a minimum $10/person donation for their outreach program, which includes free children/youth concerts.
Travis Bregier and David Beatty
TGIF Concert, Jun 28, 5:30pm
This Friday our talented Travis Bregier (baritone) and David Beatty (pianist) move us into other realms with music by Erik Satie and Samuel Barber. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Schepps and Light
TGIF, Jun 7, 5:30pm
Join us for a Friday night concert that will lift your spirit with David Schepps, cello, and Edwin Light, piano, performing music by Schumann, Messiaen, de Falla and Cassado. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
The People’s Court
Worship, Jun 2, 10am
VIDEO. In Matthew 20:1-16 we encounter big questions of what is right, what is fair, and what is gracious. Pastor Andrew puts us in a dramatic court scene, and you are the jury. You must decide. View the video. Make your decision.
Charlotte Rowe, Piano
TGIF Concert, Jul 12, 5:30
This Friday, Charlotte Rowe brings us lively piano music by Debussy and Beethoven. Begin your weekend with our TGIF concert. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Folias Duo
TGIF, May 31, 5:30pm
Friday we welcome Folias Duo, the celebrated musical pairing of flutist Carmen Maret and guitarist Andrew Bergeron, who redefines classical music with a dynamic blend of jazz, world music, and improvisation. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
What Did Jesus Know About Children?
Worship, May 26
VIDEO. What does a 30 something bachelor who spends all his time with guys know about kids? Bruce Black helps us explore this question as we look at Mark 10:13-16. View the video.
TGIF, Jun 14, 5:30pm
We welcome the eternal Summer Symphony Orchestra this Friday as they start our weekend with music by Schubert and Danzi. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Tend My Sheep
Children’s Program, May 26, 8:30am
This week we will read John 21:15–17 and learn about Peter’s call to tend and feed Jesus’ sheep. The children learn that their lives are filled with opportunities to care for others as Jesus has instructed Peter and all of us.
The Holy Spirit Is an Immigrant
Worship, May 19
VIDEO. This service for Pentecost pushes the boundaries and borders of our thinking, theology, and politics as we explore the boundless God who calls us to be agents of love and justice. You hear from Pastor Andrew and other participants in our recent border trip. Our scriptures for the day are Acts 2:1-17 and Matthew 25:31-40.
Our Border Trip
Report by Pastor Andrew
As the mission group returns, Pastor Andrew reports, “We had a successful trip to the border delivering thousands of pounds of medicine, food, and supplies to three different churches and shelters. We served hundreds of migrant children and women from Venezuela, El Salvador and Guatemala who are living in these churches and shelters…
Fire & Winds of Pentecost
Children’s Program, May 19, 8:30am
This weekend we learn about Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit with wind and fire. We learn that we are never alone for God is with us always, and we celebrate God’s love by serving God and others. The children’s program begins in our 8:30am service. After receiving a blessing, the children leave for their activities.
Chancel Bell Choir
TGIF, May 17, 5:30pm
This Friday Travis Bregier directs our own Chancel Bell Choir in lively music by Bob Burroughs, Cynthia Dobrinski, Kevin McChesney, Mary McCleary, Margaret Tucker, David Beatty and Joel Raney. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Dufford and Lyon
TGIF, May 24, 5:30pm
Our Friday concert this week features the accomplished and lively Greg Dufford, clarinet, and Peggy Lyon, piano, performing music by Tanayev and Khatchaturian. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.
FPC Day at the Park
Family Outing, May 19, 1:35pm
Take me out to the ballpark! Join us at Isotopes Park for a day full of fun, family, and food! Watch the Isotopes vs Sugarland Space Cowboys in a shady seat with fellow FPC families. Gates open at 12:35, and the game starts at 1:35. Tickets are $20 each. If you are interested in catching the game after church, let us know.
Water into Wine
Worship, May 12
VIDEO. This Sunday we look at the story of the wedding at Cana when Jesus turned water into wine (John 2:1-11), with Melissa Mitchell delivering the Sunday message. We have two worship services: 8:30 in Pope Hall and 11:00 in the sanctuary and via livestream. We had hoped to have the early service on the rooftop deck, but the weather is not cooperating.
The Journey Toward Antiracism
Adult Ed, May 12 & 19, Postponed
Watch for rescheduling of this class. Over the last few years, we have looked at the pervasiveness of racism in our society. Now it is time to take a hard look at our church and ourselves so we can move further in our goal of helping to dismantle racism. We will reschedule these classes as soon as possible.
Mothers in the Bible
Children’s Program, May 12, 8:30pm
This Sunday we will celebrate Mother’s day by learning about the mothers portrayed in the bible. Our children make a flip book highlighting the various mothers and the amazing qualities they posed and the lessons they taught us. After receiving a blessing int he 8:30 service, the children leave to do their activities.
Morning Song on the Rooftop
Rooftop Garden, 8:30, May 26
We resume our 8:30am Morning Song worship service on our rooftop garden this Sunday May 26th at 8:30am. We tried to do this earlier but the weather just would not cooperate. Come to the service and enjoy the trees and sky and birds singing as we worship together in this special space. The Morning Song service will remain on the rooftop through the summer months.
Supporting Vulnerable Children
PBM Breakfast, May 11, 9am
This month’s Prepared by Men’s Breakfast presents: “CASA: Supporting the Most Vulnerable Children & Families in Northern NM” by Grace Korthuis, Executive Director, and Staff. CASA rehabilitates and supports youth who have been abused. They have a number of programs and services as well as volunteer opportunities.
High Desert Harps
TGIF, May 10, 5:30pm
Start off your spring weekend with Celtic favorites by the High Desert Harps at our Friday night concert. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Living in Santa Fe as a Japanese Woman
Worship, May 5, 10am
VIDEO. This May as we celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander cultures, we warmly welcome Shizuko Kobayashi to our worship service to deliver the Sunday message, and she will deliver the children’s message as well since May 5th is Children’s Day in Japan. Shizuko shares her experiences and her work to link Santa Fe and Japan in slides during her message. The scripture for the day is Psalm 98.
The Art of Kintsugi
Liturgical Arts, May 5th
As we celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander cultures, Liturgical Arts honors the culture of our speaker, Shizuko Kobayashi. They have created banner overlays reflecting Kintsugi, the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold. And they beautifully tie in the day’s scripture and liturgical color as well.
First Sunday Luncheon
May 5, 11:30am, Pope Hall
For our May 5th First Sunday luncheon, our Fun, Food, & Fellowship group will be serving an Asian American menu—Broccoli/Beef, Asian Chicken Salad, Urimaki sushi (California rolls), and Hoison buns. Please bring your favorite Asian American dish or a dessert to share. Egg Rolls anyone? Dumplings? Hope to see you there!
Santa Fe Octet
TGIF, May 3, 5:30pm
This Friday, the Santa Fe Octet performs music by Schubert. The Octet includes Ari Le, Violin; Flaviano Prosperini, Violin; Nathan Gibson, Viola; Nelson Denman, Cello; Jim Martinez, Bass; Daniel Schwab, Clarinet; John Hargreaves, Horn; and Debra Poulin, Basson. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Who Is the Greatest?
Children’s Program, 10am, Sanctuary
When the disciples debated on who is the greatest (Mark 9:33–37), Jesus instructed them that greatness is defined by service, not glory. On this Service Sunday we will be making sandwiches and assembling sack lunches for the homeless. If you have any questions, contact Jen Black, our Family Ministry Director.
Fight Hunger
PHP 2024 Campaign
After decades of declining hunger, the last 10 years have seen an increase in the number of people worldwide being denied the basic human right to food. Around 735 million people don’t have enough to eat. Make your gift to the Presbyterian Hunger Program’s (PHP’s) Fight Hunger 2024 Campaign.
Young Adult Border Mission Trip
Donations Needed
Pastor Andrew is leading a group of young adults and high school students to help families and children along the US/Mexico border. These families seeking the safety of asylum in the United States find themselves in desperate situations with little food, water, and basic supplies. Please donate by May 1st.
Relationships Matter
Worship, Apr 28
VIDEO. What is a life well lived? What makes us happy? How do we build a solid foundation to weather life’s adversities? Beyond taking care of ourselves, we need to nourish positive relationships, to participate in the “Beloved Community,” and to walk with Christ. Bruce Goslin delivers our Sunday message, “Relationships matter, and a few other things I have learned.” The day’s scripture is Matthew 7:24-27.
The Burning Bush
Adult Ed, Apr 28
VIDEO. Is First Presbyterian Church of Santa Fe a responsible steward of God’s creation? In his class, “The Burning Bush—Responsible Stewardship in a World on Fire,” Pastor Andrew helps us look at our environmental footprint and climate shadow as a church and a member of the broader community.
Gardening from the Soul, for the Soul
Children’s Program, Apr 28, 8:30am
This Sunday we will get our hands dirty again as we plant our shoots and seedling in the rooftop garden and continue exploring the lessons from the Easter resurrection story of Jesus as a gardener. The children’s program begins in our 8:30am service. After receiving a blessing, the children leave the service to do their activities.
Celebrate Earth Month by Composting
Earth Care Opportunity, April
Interested in composting? You can still pick up your 3 free compost bags in the church lobby. Fill each bag with your kitchen food scraps and deposit it in the compost bins located in the church basement. Learn more about how beneficial composting is for our earth and get started.
Easter Sunrise on the Caja: A call for permanent protection
SF New Mexican, April 5th, by Pastor Harry
On Easter Sunday, I joined over 50 New Mexicans on the Caja del Rio for our annual Easter sunrise service. As the sun began to rise, we prayerfully reflected on the profound convergence of land, water, wildlife, culture and spirituality alive on the Caja. This unique crossroads has shaped the identity of New Mexico and our nation….
We Want Your Unwanted Socks
April Earth Care Project
Did you know that you can recycle your old socks with Smartwool’s Second Cut™ Project? We are participating in this earth friendly effort during the month of April. We are looking for clean socks, any brand or material or color–single socks only. Drop your socks in the recyclying box in the basement.
David Solem, Piano
TGIF, Apr 26, 5:30pm
This Friday indulge yourself in a concert by our own David Solem on the piano playing music by Beethoven and Bach/Busoni. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Are You Listening?
Worship, Apr 21
VIDEO. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, knows his sheep and his sheep know his voice. How do we recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd when there are so many competing voices out there? Spiritual Director Jeannie Bowman delivers our message this Sunday based on John 10:11-18.
Faith Leading to Action
Adult Ed, Apr 21, 9:45am
VIDEO. Michael Stewart, environmental activist and founder of LightHawk, shares news of quite a number of solutions that are proven and hold immense promise in fighting climate change. Hear his optimistic and challenging message in our second adult ed class in our Earth Day series.
Earth Day Every Day!
Children’s Program, Apr 21, 8:30am
This Sunday the children will celebrate Earth Day with fun activities and games—making seed bombs of sunflowers and plantings and enjoying some outdoor games. The children’s program begins in our 8:30am service. After receiving a blessing, the children leave the service to do their activities.
Earth Day Hike & Clean-Up
Apr 20, 9am Hike, 10:30 Clean-Up
Our annual Earth Day Clean-Up of the Caja del Rio will be on Saturday, April 20! We’ll start the day off with a guided hike and then we’ll all pitch in to give back to the Caja. Lunch will be provided! Just bring work gloves, suitable clothing (long sturdy pants and shirt), water, sunscreen, and a truck if you have it.
Sergio Rodriguez, Piano
TGIF, Apr 19, 5:30pm
Begin your weekend this Friday with the Poetic Piano Playlist played by Sergio Rodriquez at our TGIF concert. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Celebrate Earth Day by Composting
Earth Care Opportunity, Apr 21
This Sunday we are giving you 3 compost bags to start you off on composting. Fill each bag with your kitchen food scraps and deposit it the compost bins located in the church basement. Bags will be available in the lobby. Learn more about how beneficial composting is for our earth and get started.
Spirituality of Hiking Series
Upcoming: Apr 24, 27
Do you find yourself drained by endless routine tasks? Are you looking for a way to unwind? Or maybe you’re just looking for a moment of peace, a quiet place where you can reconnect with yourself. A hike may be just what you need. We have begun our hiking series and have hikes scheduled for April 24 and 27.
Clean Energy Coaltion for SFC
Adult Ed, Apr 14, 9:45am
VIDEO. Lee Zlotoff, a producer, director and screenwriter best known as the creator of the TV series MacGyver, addresses our adult ed class in the first of our Earth Day series. Lee is the founder of the MacGyver Foundation, dedicated to valuing self-reliance, nonviolence, and sustainability.
Gone Fishing!
Children’s Program, 8:30am, Pope Hall
John’s Gospel begins and ends with a miracle story. In chapter 1, at the wedding at Cana, Jesus turned water into wine and provided abundantly for the wedding guests. In chapter 21, he provided abundantly for the disciples who have returned to their fishing boats.
Kehar Koslowsky, Mezzo Soprano
TGIF, Apr 12, 5:30pm
Kehar Koslowsky, mezzo soprano, and Paul Roth, piano, bring us the music of Toldra, Obradors, Rodrigo, and Canteloube at our Friday TGIF concert on April 12th. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Pallet Village Has Arrived
PBM Breakfast, Apr 13, 9am
At this Saturday’s Prepared by Men’s Breakfast, Rev. Joene Harr informs us about the new Pallet Village located at Christ Lutheran Church in Santa Fe and what went into its development. The 10 pallet shelters, which could house up to 20 people, have all been set up in Christ Lutheran Church’s north parking lot.
Reflecting on the Risen Christ
Children’s Program, Apr 7, 10am
This Sunday we will read John 20: 1-8 and reflect upon the series of events that occurred from Palm Sunday to Easter, and how those events have shaped our faith. After receiving a blessing in the 10am service, the children leave the service to do their activities.
First Sunday Luncheon
Apr 7, 11:30am, Pope Hall
The luncheon this Sunday will be Potluck Sunday. Food Fun & Fellowship is serving King Ranch Chicken Casserole, again. We over estimated in March. So we have lots of leftovers. We will also serve a veggie chop salad. Please bring a side dish, salad, fruit, bread, or dessert to share.
Shelby Fisher, Organ
TGIF, Apr 5, 5:30pm
At this Friday’s TGIF concert, organist Shelby Fisher, from Salt Lake City, delights us with a variety of musical pieces by Bach, McDowall, Elliott, Mozart, and Guilmont. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Screening Available at FPC
Apr 22 by Appointment
Life Line Screening will be here at First Presbyterian Church on Monday, April 22, 2024, safe, painless, non-invasive preventive health screenings that are typically not a part of a routine physical. To obtain the screening and receive a special discount, you need to register.
When It Was Evening
Worship, Apr 7, 10am
VIDEO. Has Easter changed you in any way? If not, don’t feel badly as the disciples a week later were shuttered away and perplexed, afraid for their lives. Come and hear what happens next when Jesus suddenly appears, a locked door notwithstanding. Pastor Harry ‘s message is based on John 20:19-31.
What Mary Saw
Easter Service, Mar 31
VIDEO. Mary didn’t trust her own eyes at first and assumed Jesus was the gardener. Then she recognized him and called him Teacher. What would we see if Jesus stood before us? Pastor Harry’s message is based on John 20:1-18.
A Truly New Mexican Easter—Sunrise Service on the Caja del Rio
Mar 31, 6:30am
VIDEO. This Easter we gather at dawn as the original followers did that miraculous morning where the women went to the tomb of Jesus and found the stone rolled away and tomb empty.
One Great Hour of Sharing
Special PC(USA) Offering, Thru Mar
Your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing are shared with the ministries of the Presbyterian Hunger Program, Self-Development of People and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. To make your donation, use the special envelope at either the 8:30 or 11am service or donate online.
Easter in the Park
Federal Park, Mar 31, 9:30 am
At our MorningSong Service at Federal Park trumpets welcome Easter, and Pastor Harry leads our Easter service with the message, “What Mary Saw,” with scripture John 20:1-18. Following our service, we delight the children with an Easter Egg Hunt for all the children of the church and the community. Everyone is welcome.
Easter Egg Hunt
Federal Park, 10:15am
Children of our congregation and the community are invited to join in an Easter Egg Hunt at Federal Park following the Easter service in the Park. The egg hunt will begin approximately 10:15. Everyone is welcome! Bring your own blanket. Refreshments will be served.
Welcome to the Mountaintop!
Youth Room Open House, Mar 31, 10:30
This Sunday have an open house for the new youth room from 10:30-11:00. Our dynamic new youth space is called “The Mountaintop.” For on the mountaintop Jesus delivers his greatest set of teachings forever shaping and transforming his followers in faith, hope and love.
Choir and David Solem
TGIF, Mar 29, 5:30pm
VIDEO. On Good Friday, our Chancel Choir, with David Solem on the piano, performs Mozart’s Requiem—a work of comfort that speaks to the resilience of the human spirit. Enjoy the video of this uplifting concert.
Maundy Thursday
Worship, Mar 28, 5:30pm
VIDEO. On this solemn night we once again hold a Tenebrae service. Tenebrae comes from the Latin meaning darkness. Tenebrae is an ancient Christian service where light gradually diminishes symbolizing the darkness of Jesus’ death and the hopelessness in the world without God.
Palm Sunday 2024
Service, Procession, Mar 24
VIDEO. At 9:30 am, we gather in the sanctuary for a worship service. After the service, we follow bagpipes and process to the Santa Fe Plaza to share in 10:30 Ecumenical Service with the Cathedral Basilica and Church of the Holy Faith.
Baroque Holy Week
Sat Mar 23 & Sun Mar 24
Santa Fe Pro Musica presents “Joys and Sorrows” in our sanctuary on Saturday, March 23, at 7:30pm and again on Sunday, March 24, at 3pm. This year’s Holy Week’s concert seeks to shine a light on the often overlooked contributions of French Baroque women composers. Buy your tickets online.
Children’s Palm Sunday
Children’s Program, Mar 24
This Sunday the children will have a short children’s sermon during our 9:30am service and be given activities that they can do at home. The service will be followed by a procession to the Plaza for an ecumenical service with the Cathedral Basilica and Holy Faith.
What Now Shall We Do?
Adult Ed, Mar 17, 9:45am
VIDEO. We have been blessed in the past six weeks to hear the wisdom and insights of two well-known authors and lecturers, Father John Dear and Diana Butler Bass. Now we are called to respond. What shall we do with what we’ve heard, both personally and in this congregation? Pastor Harry leads our discussion.
Wellesley Concert Tour
Concert, Mar 19, 7pm
We are delighted to host the Wellesley College Choir this Tuesday as they include Santa Fe on their concert tour. We are partnering with the Santa Fe Women’s Ensemble to bring you these beautiful voices performing music from the Renaisance to present day.
Bach’s Birthday
TGIF, Mar 22, 5:30pm
Our own Linda Raney helps us celebrate the birthday of J.S. Bach with his music at this Friday’s concert. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
The Sword of Peace
Worship, Mar 10
VIDEO. Pastor Andrew takes on one of the Bible’s most challenging texts to talk about how Jesus seeks to deconstruct a culture of violence and calls us toward a life recommitted to faith, love and peace. The day’s scripture is Matthew 10:34-39.
What now do we do?
Adult Ed, Mar 10, 9:45am
Diana Butler Bass, one of the country’s leading historians and commentators on American religion, was here with us last weekend to help us understand what is going on today, how we got here, and where do we go from here. What now do we do with this information? Pastor Harry facilitates our discussion.
A Palestinian Perspective
PBM Breakfast, Mar 9, 9-11am (New Time)
This Saturday Mohammad Ghweir will speak on “The Origins of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A Palestinian Perspective.” Advance reservations are required for guaranteed seating. Questions must be submitted on cards and will be reviewed by the monitor for our speaker. Join us in Pope Hall or via Zoom to hear his personal perspective.
Spirituality of Hiking Series
New Series Beginning
Do you find yourself drained by endless routine tasks? Are you looking for a way to unwind? Or maybe you’re just looking for a moment of peace, a quiet place where you can reconnect with yourself. Join us for a hike! Let us know your availability as we plan our schedule.
TGIF, Mar 8, 5:30pm
We welcome the eternal Summer Symphony Orchestra this Friday as they perform music by Holst and Mozart. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Music and Planting a Big Harvest
Children’s Program, Mar 10, 8:30am
This Sunday we will read 2 Corinthians 9:6: “The one who plants few seeds will have a small harvest. But the one who plants a lot will have a big harvest.” We will talk about what it means to plant seeds, why we need to wait and stay hopeful and how to enjoy and share the beautiful harvest. We will also have Linda join us and help us learn the words and hand motions to the song “Sanctuary.”
High Desert Sax & Abbott
TGIF, Mar 15, 5:30pm
This Friday, the High Desert Saxophones and Peggy Abbott on the piano will perform music by Faure, Cohen, Holst, and Grigg. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Diana Butler Bass
Special Visitor, Mar 2-3
Many of you recognize this name as one we hear frequently cited at our church. Dr. Bass, an award-winning author, popular speaker, inspiring preacher, and one of America’s most trusted commentators on religion and contemporary spirituality will be at our church the first weekend in March, and preaching on Sunday.
Message by Diana Butler Bass
Worship, Mar 3
VIDEO. We warmly welcomed Dr. Bass to deliver our message this Sunday. She preached on John 12:1-11. View the video to hear this inspiring preacher and one of America’s most trusted commentators on religion and contemporary spirituality, as she concluded her visit with us this weekend.
Three Paradoxical Trends
Workshop, Mar 2, 10am
Diana Butler Bass will provide our faith leaders with inspiring and challenging messages in her workshop “Three Paradoxical Trends Shaping Religion.” The workshop will be at 10am on Saturday March 2nd. Brunch follows. Space is limited so you must RSVP no later than February 27th.
Rediscovering Jesus When Christianity Is Falling Apart
Community Presentation, Sat Mar 2, 2pm
In her latest book Freeing Jesus, Diana Butler Bass urges us to rediscover Jesus, even while the institutional church is facing great challenges and losing members. The community is invited to our sanctuary to hear one of America’s most trusted commentators on religion and contemporary spirituality. Join us. Bring others.
Daniel Schwab, Clarinet
TGIF, Mar 1, 5:30pm
Relax after a long week with Daniel Schwab on the clarinet playing music by John Cage and J.S. Bach. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
First Sunday Luncheon
Mar 3, 11:30am, Pope Hall
This Sunday we are serving King Ranch Chicken Casserole as well as a hearty winter greens salad and a veggie chopped salad. Bring bread or a dessert to share. We hope you will join us for a delicous lunch and warm fellowship at 11:30 in Pope Hall.
Learning the Great Commandment
Children’s Program, Mar 3, 10am
When a legal expert asked Jesus what was the most important commandment, Jesus responded that we must love God with all our heart. And Jesus added that we must also love our neighbor as ourselves. Our children grapple with the profound meaning of these words in today’s world.
The Most Radical, Political, and Revolutionary Words Ever Uttered
Worship, Feb 25
VIDEO. John Dear writes that everything in the Sermon on the Mount leads up to this verse (Matthew 5:43-48); indeed, so does everything in the Bible. For the past seventeen hundred years we have done our best to pretend Jesus never said them. But what if we actually tried to live them out?
Freeing Jesus
Adult Ed, Feb 25, 9:45am
In Diana Butler Bass’ latest book, she writes “I worry that people are stuck, not knowing how to talk about Jesus without sounding dogmatic, narrow, or pietistic. Christians often sound inauthentic when we mimic creeds even we do not understand….” So, it’s time we talk about Jesus in our own words.
Beautiful Acts of Kindness
Children’s Program, Feb 25, 8:30am
This Sunday we will read a story about a selfless and extravagant act of kindness (Mark 14:3-9). What does an act of extravagant kindness look like to children? This Sunday we will also plant daffodil bulbs, a symbol of rebirth, hope and joy.
Visiting Sagua La Grande
Donations Needed
FPC will be sending a team to visit our sister Presbyterian church in Sagua La Grande, Cuba, departing on Thursday, February 29. They have sent a list of items they need. So check out the list if you can help out. More information and a donation box for monetary contributions are in our lobby.
Margaret-Mary Sauppé
TGIF, Feb 23, 5:30pm
For our Friday concert, we are delighted to have Margaret-Mary Sauppé on the organ, playing music by Alexandre Pierre François Boëly, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, and George Baker. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Grateful: Transformative Power
Adult Ed, Feb 18
VIDEO. As a first step in preparing for the visit by Diana Butler Bass, in our February 18 Adult Education class we discuss one of her recent books, Grateful: The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks. Books are available for sale in the lobby. We hope you can view our discussion of this award-winning book.
Prayer Shawl Celebrates 16 Years
Newcomers Always Welcome
Last Tuesday (January 20th) our Prayer Shawl group celebrated the 16th anniversary since its beginning in 2008. The celebration included sharing a delicious Clafoutis with coffee, friendship, and discussion of where we receive our understanding of ethics and values as we live out our lives.
Continue the Journey
Special Lenten Class on Peace
Father John Dear invites us to continue our study of peace with a 3-week Lenten class presented on Zoom through the Beatitude Center. On February 21 and 28 and March 6, at 5pm MT, he will walk us through his book, The Gospel of Peace, with each week focusing on one of the gospels.
Santa Fe Student Showcase
TGIF, Feb 16, 5:30pm
At our Friday concert, the Santa Fe Music Teachers Association will present their Student Showcase—the winners of the recent contest. Come and enjoy the concert and support these promising young musicians.
Ash Wednesday Service
Worship, Feb 14, 5:30pm (Sanctuary)
Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent, acknowledging that we have all fallen short of God’s glory. We will use the Iona Abbey Worship Book for our prayers, sing and listen to beautiful music, partake in communion, and receive the imposition of ashes. Please join us for this quiet service of repentance as we take our first steps toward the cross.
Service of Ordination & Installation
During 8:30 & 11am Services
At our 8:30 and 11:00 services this Sunday we will ordain and install our new Deacons and Elders who we elected at our congregational meeting on January 28. Now let’s support them by attending this service and the laying on of hands by those previously ordained to these ministries.
So now what do we do…
Adult Ed, Feb 11
VIDEO. “So, now what do we do with nonviolence?” Pastor Harry leads a conversation about what we heard last Sunday from Father John Dear, a leading advocate and author on peace and nonviolence, and what we learned from his book, The Gospel of Peace.
Santa Fe Flutes
TGIF, Feb 9, 5:30pm
Friday we welcome the Santa Fe Flutes, directed by Melissa Colgin Abeln. This group of flutists plays an eclectic program, sure to lighten a Friday evening. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
“To Our Wonderful Friends…”
Youth Shelter Thank You
We just received this lovely note from the Youth Shelter and Family Services: “To Our Wonderful Friends at First Presbyterian Church,
We were in complete awe when our team went by your congregation and witnessed all of the extraordinary presents for our clients under the Christmas tree!
Dignity Not Detention
PBM Breakfast, Feb 10
VIDEO. The guest speaker at our Prepared By Men’s Breakfast was Ruby Bixby, up and coming member of the Dreamer’s Project. She spoke passionately on the topic “Dignity Not Detention.” And we enjoyed a warm breakfast and a lively discussion.
Love Is in the Air
Children’s Program, Feb 11
This Sunday we learn about the history of Saint Valentine in our program during the 8:30 service. We will also finish creating Valentine Day Cards for our Valentine gift bag project for our homebound church members. After the service at 10am, families will help our Deacons deliver the Valentine gift bags.
New Infant Classroom Ready
Preschool Expansion on Third Floor
Anne Liley, our preschool director, proudly announced that our new infant classroom has been licensed and is ready and open to serve babies from our community. Our first class will open to children on Monday February 5th. Join us in spreading the word and thanking Anne and many others for their hard work.
The Gospel of Peace
Worship, Feb 4
VIDEO. We welcomed Father John Dear, longtime peace activist, author, and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, who worshiped with us and delivered the message at our service on February 4th at 10am. His message focused on the theme of his newest book, The Gospel of Peace, which he will also talked more about after our lunch together.
Chaplain Joe’s Street Outreach
Pop-Up Fundraiser, Feb 4
We welcomed Joe Dudziak, founder of Chaplain Joe’s Street Outreach, who gave our Minute for Mission on Sunday, February 4th. A special collection was taken during the service and a pop-up fundraiser for the general public followed the service on Grant Street in front of the Church’s Main Entrance from 11-1pm. You can see his presentation near the beginning of our video of that service.
First Sunday Luncheon
Feb 4, 11:30am, Pope Hall
The menu this Sunday is Italian. We are serving spaghetti with meat and vegetarian sauces available. There will be homemade bread, and rumor has it that there will be Panna Cotta too! We hope you will join us at 11:30 in Pope Hall. Bring a salad or dessert to share.
FPC Chancel Choir
TGIF, Feb 2, 5:30pm
This Friday our own Chancel Choir performs Requiem by John Rutter, with Nancy Maret, soprano; Dana Winograd, cello; and Jim Toevs, trumpet. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Jesus Loves the Children
Children’s Program, Feb 4, 10am
This Sunday we will read the story in Mark 10:13–16 and hear how Jesus embraces the children and blesses them, encompassing them in his grace. This Sunday we will also start creating Valentine Day Cards for our Valentine gift bag project for our homebound church members.
Father John Dear Talk
Community Event, Feb 4
VIDEO. Long-time activist, author and teacher of nonviolence, Father John Dear shares his comments with our Santa Fe community on his latest book, The Gospel of Peace: Reading Matthew, Mark, and Luke from the Perspective of Nonviolence. View a video of this talk.
Conversation with Father John Dear
Webinar Video, Feb 5
Earth Keepers 360 invites you to view a prophetic conversation with with Father John Dear, Sister Joan Brown, Reverend Andrew Black, and Chaplain Jorge Sayago-Gonzales: “We Are Our Children’s Future: Living the Radical Alternative of Peace, Justice & Environmentalism in Times of Crisis.”
Nonviolence Frees a Man
Worship, Jan 28, 8:30 & 11am
VIDEO. Jesus encounters a man with an unclean spirit and proceeds to do a political exorcism, freeing the man and the synagogue from complicity with the imperial occupation and its unjust political order (Mark 1:21-28). How might we use such acts of nonviolence today?
Congregational Meeting
Jan 28, 9:45am, Sanctuary
Please join us for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation and Corporation of First Presbyterian Church of Santa Fe on January 28, 2024, at 9:45 am in the Sanctuary. We have scheduled this between Morning Song and the Traditional service in hopes that more of you will be able to attend.
Be Not Afraid!
Children’s Program, Jan 28, 8:30am
Be not afraid. The grace of God goes with you! This Sunday we will read the story in Mark 4: 35-41 and hear about the disciples’ fear in a storm. We learn that Jesus is with us when we are afraid. This Sunday Morning Song begins at 8:30 in Pope Hall, and the children leave the service for their program after receiving a blessing.
Black Mesa Brass Ensemble
TGIF, Jan 26, 5:30pm
The Black Mesa Brass Ensemble play an electic mix of music at our Friday TGIF concert. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm, and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Exploring Nonviolence
Workshop, Jan 28, 2-4pm
Join us in the exploration of the power and potential of nonviolence in ourselves and in the world. Nonviolent Santa Fe invites you to “Exploring Nonviolence: Tools for Managing Conflict in Everyday Life” Sunday afternoon, January 28, in Pope Hall.
MorningSong Message
Worship, Jan 21
At our MorningSong Worship Service this Sunday, Dan Turk, a missionary co-worker from Madagascar, delivered the message. Then you can hear more about Dan’s program at a lunch and presentation in Pope Hall at 12:30 and watch a video of that presentation.
After John Was Arrested
Worship, Jan 21, 11am
At our 11am service, we begin to look at the Gospels through the eyes of nonviolence. John the Baptist was a mentor to Jesus and his arrest by the empire was a turning point and a beginning for Jesus. Why is nonviolence so vital to the world and when will we begin to see its power? We look closer at Mark 1:14-20.
The Gospel of Peace
Adult Ed, Jan 14 & 21, and More
VIDEOS. What do we do about the violence that is permeating the world? Look to the Gospels, says Father John Dear, one of the leading voices of nonviolence in the world today. In adult ed classes on January 14 and 21 and a workshop on January 28, we prepare for his visit with us on February 4. View videos of the classes.
Caring and Faithful Friend
Children’s Program, Jan 21, 8:30am
This Sunday we explore, “What Does It Mean To Be a Caring and Faithful Friend?” In Mark 2:1-12 we discover the faith of four friends. These four friends had such faith in what they heard about Jesus that they moved mountains—or in this case, dug through a mud roof—to bring their sick friend to him.
Holistic Ministry in Madagascar
Lunch & Mission Program, Jan 21
Dan Turk, a Mission Co-worker assigned to Madagascar, presents “Holistic Ministry in Madagascar: Evangelism, Food Security, Creation Care and Health” at a luncheon in Pope Hall at 12:30. Dan will also speak at our 8:30 worship service. All are invited.
Flutiss X 4 Flute Quartet
TGIF, Jan 19, 5:30pm
Flutiss X 4 lifts our Friday with a TGIF concert featuring music by Jennifer Higdon, Catherine McMichael, Eric Ewazen, and Raymond Guiot. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm, and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Jesus Goes to Galilee
Worship, Jan 14, 8:30 & 11 am
VIDEO. Jesus decides to go to Galilee where people begin to wonder who he is and what he’s doing here. Ever wonder that yourself? Then come and see what all the fuss is about. Our scripture for the day is John 1:43-51.
All About Love
Circle of Friends, 2nd Saturdays
Circle of Friends is beginning a new book—All About Love: New Visions by bell hooks. All About Love is the acclaimed first volume in feminist icon bell hooks’ “Love Song to the Nation” trilogy. Join this women’s circle on 2nd Saturdays of each month. Contact Jenny Harland for meeting information and Zoom link.
Our Railroad Town
PM Breakfast, Jan 13, 8am
This Saturday, Prepared by Men’s Breakfast welcomes Fred Friedman, a noted New Mexico railroad historian and long-time Santa Fe resident. Fred will talk to us about our long and diverse railroad history and the continual re-invention over time. He has fascinating stories to tell.
Sacred Grounds Award
NWF Honors FPC
The National Wildlife Federation’s Sacred Grounds program is recognizing our church for its amazing natural landscaping and conservation efforts that promote healthy wildlife habitat. We received this sign we can post outside honoring this great work.
Spirit Descending
Worship, Jan 7, 10am
VIDEO. Remember your baptism? Most of us don’t, so Pastor Harry asks us to come this Sunday for a Renewal of Baptism and learn why baptism is such a big deal. It really is! Scripture for the day is Mark 1:4-11.
DACA Debrief
Adult Ed, Jan 7, 8:30am
VIDEO. Ruby Bixby and Michelle Perez of the SF Dreamers Project share with us the impact of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which benefits 600,000 undocumented people, and its uncertain future in an upcoming case before the US Supreme Court.
Hearty Soups, Bread
Lunch, Jan 7, Noon
Join us for a warm and hearty lunch of soup and bread after the 10 am January 7th service. To warm up a winter day, our Food, Fun, and Fellowship team is serving a variety of soups, including Vegan/Vegetarian and Gluten free options. Please bring a salad, bread, or dessert to share!
Scott and Johanna
TGIF, Jan 12, 5:30pm
Scott and Johanna Hongell-Darsee, a duo that has performed all over the US and Europe, mesmerize us with Medieval and Traditional Folk Ballads at our Friday TGIF concert. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm, and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Atalaya String Quartet
TGIF, Jan 5, 5:30pm
The Atalaya String Quartet will be playing music by Dmitri Shostakovich and Franz Joseph Haydn at our TGIF Concert on Friday. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm, and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.
Peacemakers Group
Fridays, 10am, via Zoom
Peacemakers is a weekly group discovering the contributions of Gandhi, King, and Jesus to the foundations for peace and the means of living peace. On December 29, the group, led by Rev. Bobb Barnes, is beginning The Six Principles of Kingian Nonviolence.
Grief Nest
Grief Groups, Tuesdays, Thursdays, 6:15pm
In January, grief groups continue to be offered to hold sacred space with compassion and empathy for those who are grieving. The Tuesday group is online. The Thursday group meets in the Rendon Room every other Thursday, starting January 4th. You must register as space is limited. Groups are lead by Joy Dyanne Stearns, Somatic Grief Specialist.
Adelante Coat Drive
Winter Mission Project
Our preschool is sponsoring a coat drive for young children who are in the Adelante Program. Can you help keep a child warm this winter? Adelante has asked for winter coats and jackets size 2T-5T. You can drop them off in the basement (or in Anne’s office).